Lock him up in bed(and do all sorts of naughty things to him)

The following day. 

After settling her work, Lanni finally had time to watch the planned movie with the girls. Since her office building wasn't that far from her apartment, she took a quick shower and changed into casual clothes before going over. 

The girls had already arrived and were waiting for her outside. Cheng Yu hugged a bunch of snacks alongside a bucket of popcorn and cola, making one wonder whether she was going to watch or eat. 

As Lanni approached, she waved her over excitedly. "Lanni!" 

Lanni sauntered over and was about to hug them when Xiaoshi dragged her to the side. "You didn't tell me Luna was coming." 

Lanni felt awkward. "If you are uncomfortable, you can sit beside me. We will be watching the whole time anyway."