Speak of the devil

"Yun Xiaoshi, what is wrong with you?" Luna's stern voice pulled her out of her thoughts. She snapped back and looked up, meeting her boss's strict gaze. "We are discussing an important matter. Why are you blanking out?" 

"I… I'm sorry." 

"I will not repeat anything I just said. If you are not going to pay attention in a meeting, why bother being present?" Luna scolded, then continued explaining the details of the next project. 

After being called out, Xiaoshi was embarrassed but she concentrated for the rest of the meeting. 

As soon as it was over, she went to Luna's office to ask about the details she had missed. 

"Boss, I…" She didn't know how to say it. 

Luna looked up from her laptop. "Is there anything bothering you?" 

"Well…" thinking about it, she decided that Luna already had more than enough on her plate. Besides, they were not even close. So she shook her head. "It's nothing."