I neither hate you nor like you

Luna retracted her gaze from the middle-aged man. She had interacted with many traitors and backstabbers in her life so she could easily tell if one had questionable motives. For some reason, she felt that the man before her was one she should be guarded against. 

Straightening up, she looked at Madam Jiang with a slight smile. "Aunty, I have a few things to do before dinner." 

"No problem. I'll call you when dinner is ready." responded Xinghe, wondering why the atmosphere suddenly felt tensed. 

Hearing that Luna was leaving, Uncle Yun grabbed the opportunity. "Shishi is still new to B City and doesn't have any friends yet. Xingyu, why don't you show her around?" 

Xiaoshi had just returned from the bathroom when she heard the instruction. She gulped. What was her father doing?