Boss Yu and Cedric

Once Luna had settled the boy, she went back to Xingyu who was waiting for her. 

"Are you sure about this?" He asked her, having heard a little about their conversation. 

She hooked her arm around his. "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." 

Because she had everything in order, he nodded. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to tell me about it, okay?" 

"Of course." Although she had not snagged the investment, she may have found a genius. This trip was worth it. 

She smiled when she thought about CEO Hu's words and looked up at him joyously. "While he neither invested nor collaborated with Moonlight Studios in the end, his reaction proved a point; Demons Vs Gods is on the right track." 

He smiled and rubbed her head. "My darling is awesome." 


Meanwhile, In Moonlight Studios. 

Cedric dashed to Cheng Yu's office when he heard that he had been called over.