A good show is about to unfold

She glanced at him and pretended to think hard about it. "You…" 

"Mmh?" He was anxious under her stern gaze. 

"Just a temporary fling, obviously." 

He was stunned for a second before he looked wronged. "Yu, how can you say that?" 

She burst into laughter after having teased him. Before she could correct herself, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. "I will not allow you to make me a temporary fling. Even if I am indeed just a fling, I have to be at least a permanent one, the kind that lasts forever." 

She held onto his arm as she allowed herself to rest in his arms. "As you wish." 

He tousled her hair and looked into her eyes. "Yu, I love you." 

Cheng Yu swallowed and returned his gaze, her fingers gently trailing along his handsome face. He leaned down to kiss her, but just as their lips were about to connect, she felt a sudden violent tug on her elbow and just as she turned, a slap landed on her left cheek. 

"You b*tch!"