I don't need a girlfriend

Xiehan dismissed his secretary before giving Lanni a call. "Do you miss me?" 

"Mmh. Are you going to be busy tomorrow?" 

Xiehan frowned slightly at her question. "Why?" 

"My dad wants me to go to the Xia family home tomorrow. It's my first time in a long time… would you like to accompany me?" She asked. The other side was silent for a while, so she thought that he must be busy. She paused and added, "Well, if you will be busy then…" 

"Baby, we had plans for tomorrow." He interrupted, starting to sound strict when he heard about her sudden change of plans. 

Lanni widened her eyes and slapped her forehead. She had forgotten about it all thanks to her dad's words. They were planning to go to the Ji family home and anger Ji Feifei in the morning and in the afternoon, they would go on a picnic. 

"I'll make it up to you, my love. I was so nervous that I thoughtlessly promised my dad." She apologized guiltily.