Lend me your embrace

Xiaoshi's phone rang, a reminder flashing on the screen. 

She was full of regret when she saw it. "I have to go home now. I need to finish up on some work." 

"I'll drop you off." He offered as he picked up his car keys. 

She was suddenly happy about having taken a cab this morning, she had no reason to reject the ride. She nodded and followed him to the parking lot. 

When they arrived at her residential area, he opened the door for her. 

She got down and unconsciously rubbed her fingers against the bracelet on her wrist. With a smile, she invited, "You must be tired after a whole day of work. Why don't you stay for dinner?" 

She clearly saw the astonishment in his eyes and had the urge to take back her words. Did she just invite a man into her house? Those who didn't know would think too much of it! 

However, there was nothing wrong with a boyfriend going into his girlfriend's house, was there?