Xiaomu and Linhou

Linhou and Xiaomu were fully developed despite being born five weeks ahead of their time, so they did not need the incubator. The family of four returned home two days later and soon after, they started preparing for their full moon party.

Because the party was held a few days before Luna and Xingyu's wedding, it was a small party with only close family and friends present.

Lanni couldn't move her eyes away from the crib where the babies were. They wore the same adorable unisex outfit in pink and blue, with "cuter version of mummy" and "cuter version of daddy" printed on them respectively.

She wiggled a toy in front of Xiaomu, who didn't seem to notice her and was trying to grab her twin's tiny hand.

"They're so cute! Xiaomu will definitely take after her mother." She felt her heart melt just watching them.

"No, she will take after her grandma." Li Yuming laughed at the side, making Lanni speechless. What was the difference?