Wedding bells (1)

Lanni drunkenly clung to Xiehan as they left the venue of the party. She sang songs that only she knew of, but it wasn't necessary to have heard the song to know that she was singing it wrong.

I have loved you carefully? What in the world was that?

"Xiehan, I'm an aunt!" She flaunted against his neck as he carried her to his car.

"That you are, and the cutest one at that." He put her inside the car. "And you will be the best mother in the world."

She sat up as though she comprehended his words. "Mother? But I'm not pregnant."

He looked down at her stomach meaningfully. "We can correct that when you are ready."

Hearing this, she grabbed his car and pressed her lips against his face. "Let's make one now. If we sleep for nine hours, we will wake up with a baby tomorrow."

He chuckled. She really was drunk.

Hearing his laugh, she looked up at him, his expression turning sadder. "Don't you want to have a baby with me?"