The return of Xiehan (1)

Li Yuming's villa.

Lanni hummed as she tried on a few sets of clothes, then rushed downstairs to her mother and Luna who had come to visit. "How do I look?"

The two women looked up almost simultaneously and were awed by Lanni who was in an ankle length red dress. She had become more beautiful in the last two years and looked amazing in the sleeveless dress.

"You look perfect." Li Yuming commented, proud of her daughter.

"You're so stunning, sis." Luna seconded. Even the little boy habitually sitting by her feet seemed awed by her aunt.

Lanni rushed back to her room and changed into another red dress, a shorter one with a sparkly chest area. She ran back to show them. "How about this?" She twirled.

"It's even more beautiful." Luna immediately clicked a photo of her.