The return of Xiehan (2)

Xiaomu clung onto Xiehan and hugged his neck, her eyes begging for kisses. He chuckled and pressed his lips against her soft face, which made her giggle happily and clumsily smack her lips against his face.

"So your uncle is more popular now." Lanni pretended to be jealous as she looked at them while driving.

"Don't be jealous. It's inevitable that the little angel would like me more. I'm very handsome, after all." Xiehan grinned happily.

Xiaomu didn't know a thing of what was going on around her, nor why the duo was laughing. When she set her eyes on Lanni, she excitedly held her small arms for a hug. "Momma!"

Xiehan facepalmed. "This is why I thought she was our daughter." If his ears hadn't failed him, he had heard the little girl mumble to Lanni while calling her her mother.

"She will notice the difference when she is older." Lanni smiled and turned to ask, "Are you disappointed?"

"Disappointed?" He did not understand.