Leaving (1)

Xiehan cupped her cheeks in his hands and kissed her lips gently. He had meant to take it slow but when she slid her fingers into his hair as a moan escaped her lips, he couldn't help himself. He ran his hands down her body and cupped her backside, carrying her off the ground like she weighed nothing.

She swallowed down a moan and wrapped her arms around him for support as he made a beeline for the living room. He placed her on the couch and his body covered hers soon after, as he kissed her neck.

He positioned himself between her legs, grinding against her core and she couldn't help arching her back.

"Honey, I need you." He spoke in a low, hoarse voice against her shoulder blade. "I can't wait."

"Then don't." She pushed him off her slightly to strip off her clothes, down to her underwear. His clothes were off his body faster than she could ever imagine possible and he pushed her back down, yanking off her panties.