Leaving (2)

"Why? Don't you like it here?" Lanni asked, her tone dripping with worry. "Did somegnkng happen?"

"No. Everything is alright. Cedric and I just want some adventure for a while." She hurried to explain.

Luna rolled her eyes at her. "Right. My otaku Xiao Yu who would be happy to stay indoors for an entire week, doing nothing but drawing comics and watching movies suddenly wants to go out for some adventure. How believable."

"It's even more believable that her equally introverted boyfriend can't wait to travel the world with her." Lanni hummed along, both of them eyeing Cheng Yu in a way that reminded her that they were not born last night.

Since they had figured it out anyway, she decided to open up. "Fine. You caught me. But you have to promise that you will still love me, okay?"

"Okay, drama queen." Lanni hugged her. "Spill it already."