A bride worth waiting for (2)

Linhou bumped into them, making them stop and look down at him.

The little boy grabbed his aunt's hand and shot daggers at Xiehan as if he was staking his claim. The guests once again burst into laughter at his jealous antics.

Xiehan smiled fondly. "Are you trying to say she's yours? Sorry man, she's already married to me now."

Luna giggled as Xingyu buried his face in his hand.

Xiehan took his wife's hand and kissed it, then pulled her in for another kiss on her lips.

"You look so beautiful." He whispered against her lips.

"So do you."


The reception was held in the garden behind the palace, which was even more beautiful than the banquet hall. Lanni was pleasantly surprised when she saw Veruschka, pushing a stroller in the garden.

"You came!" She couldn't help hugging the woman.