Honeymoon (1)

The Pearl Resort was much better than Xiehan had expected and he sighed in relief when he saw how beautiful it was.

Lanni had let him choose the location for their honeymoon. Knowing that she loved beaches and gardens, he had chosen a beach resort but he had only ever seen it online. He had Lin Jian check it out and the latter approved it, but it was still a different experience to actually stay in it.

He let the attendants take their luggage away and kissed his tired wife on the cheek. "How are you?"

"Hanging in there." She yawned. It had been her idea to leave for the honeymoon right after the wedding. She probably hadn't thought that she would need to dance so much and be so tired afterwards.

He picked her up and carried her in his arms.

"Xiehan!" She yelped. "They are watching."

He ignored the staff. "They know we are on our honeymoon. It wouldn't be wise of them to watch us."