Honeymoon (2)

"That's not how it started out." She winked to remind him of how they really met, and he chuckled.

"Now that you mention it, it wasn't. But we are allowed to change how things really happened, right?"

She thought about it with a dramatic expression and agreed. "Actually, yes. Let's do it differently."

He held a hand out for her. "Let's start over. I'm Ji Xiehan."

"Lanni." She shook his hand.

"I know this sounds crazy for a first meeting but I had a fortune teller read my stars and she told me you are the main piece that puts the puzzle of my life together." He grinned.

She pretended to be offended. "You are going to scare me away if you talk about the future in the first meeting. This is the part where you ask me if I would like to have coffee with you platonically."

He gave her a once-over. "There was nothing platonic about the kind of things I wanted to do you when we first met, and now."