I don't kiss on the first date

When they were finally on their own in the car, Yue couldn't help taking a long, deep breath. She would think she was dreaming if the scent of Linhou wasn't so real. Even then, it still felt like something that would only be possible if a wizard were to stop by and swing a wand. Maybe that was what happened. Because although she had been happy most of her life, she hadn't quite felt like this before. 

She had no control of her hand that was pressed up against the window. It was almost as if she knew she would make a fool out of herself if she let go. 

"Wait. Did that boy just give the policeman the slip?" She exclaimed, pointing out at the people she was watching.

Linhou let out a soft chuckle. "You finally get to spend time with me and all you care about is boys escaping the police?" 

She rolled her eyes. "Maybe we should have remained friends. This dating thing has unlocked a side of you that I don't recognize at all."