Unfair play

When the couple had finished having their dinner, he held her hand as he led her out of the restaurant. It was not just because he wanted to feel her hand in hers but also because he had caught a guy staring at Yue. He couldn't blame him—Yue was too beautiful. But that didn't mean he was not prepared to greet the guy's face with his fist if he continued staring at his girlfriend. 

Knowing Linhou all too well, she chuckled at his possessive way of protecting what was his and placed a hand on his shoulder so he would stop walking. When he did, she pulled him down and kissed his lips gently. 

"Does that prove your point?" She asked. 

It did. In ways that made his heart skip several beats at that. 

"Do you want to go home?" He asked. 

"I'm more interested in what you have in mind if I say no to that." She smiled in response.