Turns out my second in command tried to get ahold of me before he died. Unfortunately, the message is in the hands of Agent Cloak and Dagger now.
It was found on his person when he washed up on a Miami Beach. He was trying to make it where I was I know that now.
He wasn't lucky this time and now his daughter will be raised by his traitorous wife. There's only one woman I trust with my life and even then I trust this woman cautiously. You think someones loyalty isn't for sale until a child is put into the equation. Then after that "all bets are off" as they say in America.
How I will get the flash drive they found on Abdullah's body? Well, I'll have to mull that over. All I can continue to do is what I've been doing and watch them. I've got nothing else to do for the moment and neither do they. For they're walking on the Miami Beach enjoying fish tacos.
Well, Agent Cloak is clearly enjoying fish tacos while Agent Dagger is just swallowing it down. Their expressions is the most clear image I get. After that the camera wobbles because it's implanted on a runner's arm band. As long as my runner/beach bunny stays within 500 meters of the agents, I'll be able to hear perfectly.
"What are they going to do with Abdullah's body? Besides dissect him," says Ayla.
"What they do with people who are part of terrorist organizations...incinerate his ass. His ex-wife isn't going to care if he gets torched anyway." Agent Dagger chuckles as he adds, "Abdullah's daughter is better off being raised by her mother."
As my hands clench into fists at Conroy's words, Ayla scoffs. "That's not true, Conroy. A girl needs her father even more than she or her father knows."
"Didn't you tell that waitress at the restaurant..." as Conroy's voice fades out, I send my runner a robo text.
"Too far, go back towards them," after she hears my robo voice, she turns around and giggles as she passes not too far from them but enough not to cause suspicion. Or at least that's what I'm hoping. Not all my sources are trained at covert survelliance after all.
"The story of my dad and I is complicated," starts Ayla. "Growing up, I only spent my school breaks with him as he moved from country to country to provide humanitarian aide. In reality I didn't have a dad because he put his whole self into his work. I'm his only daughter for a reason. Still, when I was with him...I saw his passion for something bigger than himself." As my runner approached them, she was looking out to the sea. "Selflessness can go too far sometimes."
"And your mom?"
"My mom the journalist? She always sought the truth. It didn't matter if her beliefs didn't align with the person she interviewed. Always be objective and you'll get the story you need." Ayla chuckles before adding, "It sounds good in theory but when my mom wasn't being an objective reporter she was a very selfish person. My two step father's can attest to that...well, my one step father....the first one died."
"What? How!"
"Wrong place, wrong time, and good riddance," is Ayla's reply. "I also have three half siblings. All younger than me."
"Same mom different dad's?" asks Conroy.
"Exactly. All of them live and work in Ireland. Well, except the youngest one. My ma told me she's in her last year of secondary."
Conroy laughs as he says, "I would've never guessed you were the oldest sibling. You're too full of life."
Ayla laughs and scoffs at the end. "Are you telling me you're the oldest sibling?"
"Yes. I have a younger brother, but..." now was Agent Daggers turn to look out to the sea. "He always beat to his own drum and made it his goal in life to disregard everything my dad and Grandpa said."
Agent Cloak says, "He sounds like an interesting fellow."
"Not really," replies Agent Dagger. "Well, if you like musicians who earn minimum wage anyway."
"If he has a good heart that's all I care about," is her answer. "Scratch that. A good sense of humor and being cute would be a plus."