2 for the price of 1

(For those who did not understand this is the 3/3. I asked for stones in exchange for chapters and received 19 so far, the equivalent of 3 chapters.)


[you've completed the Quest: Helping the floriculture]

[you levelled up]

"this!, level 04, now it's time to..."




G.B's glasses and helmet come with several features, such as a meter for hunger, thirst and mental fatigue, all in favor of players not killing themselves for playing too much, and there is also the alarm that wakes you up at a fixed time.

'are already five?'

Zach learned from his previous life where he only focused on gambling and ended up having several diseases and less serious problems, in this life he wants to be 100% both in the game and in his personal life and for this he created his own exercise schedule based on some famous of his previous life.

"first warm the body

Young Zach does not have a voluminous physical size, his body is thin and with few muscles so just jumping in his stationary place caused him some dizziness.

'but what a weak body.'

Then he started squatting, followed by abdominals and push-ups.

'ready, for such a body this is the most basic and easy start, now it's time to run.'

The college where Zach is, proud to have the greatest athletes from all over the state and so there is a race track that everyone can use at any time, when he got there Zach realized that he was not alone, there was a woman running there.

In spite of the dawn cold she was still running in her sports clothes, a blouse and shorts, she was running incredibly fast and didn't even notice that there was anyone watching her.

'the goddess of the bow.'

The girl Zach was seeing was not the human in front of he, but her version in the game, where she became the fifth best archer in the world.

'yes I had forgotten them, those who created their own stage and just watched the human empire catch fire...'

Zach was in a bad mood and stopped thinking about it, he had solid plans for after he found the arcane king, with his head full of thoughts he ran, twenty minutes later he stopped, panting and covered in sweat.

As soon as he stopped he noticed someone looking at him and immediately turned his face in that direction there he saw a girl with brown hair looking at him, his green eyes glowing as if they were rubies.

"you... incredible."

The woman seemed incredulous about something, something she saw and thought was impossible. A way to run where you can balance your weight perfectly and distribute the strength from the thigh to the calf and keep alternating like a machine.

'incredible ?, you had to see what they'd create in seven years, I just don't try because I'm not physically fit enough.'

In the woman's vision all she saw was the man standing there looking at her and turning his face and going away, but she couldn't leave it that way because this was her chance to get out of the second position, to get out of the shadow and her older sister.

"Wait, let's talk"

She walked towards him, but when she got close enough she received his answer.

"I don't have time to teach you anything."

The woman was shocked that he read it so easily.

"I'll... I'll do anything for you to teach me this method..."

Zach who didn't want to listen suddenly stopped, he looked her in the eye and saw her determination, he's not stupid either he knows he can't win the world alone and so he will need allies.

"If so, come to my room tonight"

The woman was shocked to hear such a demand, she lowered her head because her face turned red.

"Okay, I'll go"

Then he went to his room and took a quick shower and ate decently and left for his classes of the day.



"Hey Robert, have you ever heard of the Gods Battle game?"

"yeah, but I'm not too excited, I have competition next week".

Robert unlike Zach was the athletic and at the same time intellectual type, he has perfect grades and a well-trained body, an above average height and is also rich, so he is quite famous among the girls.

"Don't pay attention to that, even if you participate you will only be in first place again, let's play with me, I started yesterday and I'm already at level 04".

"you know that's not so, I'm forced to participate, otherwise my dad will complain a lot, you know how he is"

'shit of dad rich and excentric'

"which is ..."

Zach's reluctance has convinced Robert.

"Okay, okay, I'll buy the helmet and I'll play just tell me your name in the game and where I should show up".


Robert seeing Zach's animation thought that he really was very alone in the game and wanted a friend, but barely did he know the true colors of Zachery.

'now I have one of the best tankers in the world by my side'.

Zach passed on the information and said where they were to meet and soon they finished their meal and went back to afternoon classes.


Zach was already beginning to think that his archer would no longer come and had already started his glasses, but he heard "toc, toc" coming from the direction of his door.

With a playful smile on his face he asked "who is it?"

"it's me, Veronica"

"ah yes, you can enter, the door is open"

As soon as she entered he could notice her embarrassed state, for her face was completely red and she held her clothes tightly and trembled from time to time.

Zach was wondering which of the clothes she was wearing, there were black socks on her legs and she wore a long coat that reached down to her knees and there was also some makeup on her face.

"All right, let's get started"

When the boy said that, the girl opened her own coat and dropped it on the floor.