"... I'm still a virgin"

I was just going to let the hiatus roll loose, but bro, I went there on the webnovel and saw that there was someone who gave me more than 10 power stone and I thought "damn, this guy is a warrior".

So let's clapping for him, Cparis23, with 11 votes, received a chapter, thank for his stones.

And you don't want to read the next chapter?, why don't you take the test and give me ten stones, or comments, maybe I'll translate another one or two.


Earlier that day Veronica was completely nervous, she didn't know what to do since in her heart she swore never again to have a relationship with anyone, but to achieve her dream she had to give up of an convictions.

Her dream is to be better than her sister at something, anything, many say she is jealous of her, but Veronica is the only one who knows the feeling of inferiority that her sister created even without wanting it. Perfect grades, above average beauty, the best in the sport she practices... in Veronica's eyes her sister is a perfect woman.

"Hey Kira..."

In the locker room Veronica finally took courage to ask.

"When you visit your boyfriend's room, what do you wear?"

"usually nothing, but why the question ?, don't tell me that you..."

Kira is a best friend of veronica's, they are always together so there are no secrets between them.

"I have a date in a boy's room tonight and I wanted to know what to wear."

Kira with a broad smile on her face screamed loudly in the locker room.





Veronica finally realized that she had made a serious mistake in asking the girls at her school for help.

When the jacket touched the ground Zach could see all the curves of the perfect veronica body, her thin waist and big breasts were well protruding into that lingerie she was wearing, her thick thighs were tightened by a black sock.

On her lips was a flashy red lipstick and her hair was stuck on a ponytail.


Zach is perplexed by such a situation, although he wants to leave the topic open so that she feels afraid, he did not think he would take such proportions.

"I'm ready, you can do whatever you want to me."

She ran and threw herself on Zach in bed.

On top of Zach she had her eyes closed, and she was trembling a lot. Her arms were around his neck and her face was hidden in his chest.

"this voice from now, are you talking on the Zach phone?"

The lights came on and from the bathroom came Robert naked with a towel on his shoulders.

The woman in Zach's arms hardened as if a Medusa had looked into his eyes, she looked back and saw the president of his classroom, of course, she looked at his glass as a whole and stopped between his legs, realizing this Robert puts the towel and covers his precious toy.


The voice that came out as a whisper was heard by Zach who in response laughed loudly.


The woman burning with shame stuck herself under the blanket for feeling a look in her ass that was pointed up.

"hahaha, saw, I told you not to walk like that in my room."

"Shut up, Why is she here?"

Robert who also turned red, took several steps back and is now behind the door.

"remember I said I needed one more person to do that business ?, good is she."

The hidden woman trembled when she heard what they were talking about, in her head she already had the vision of two men taking advantage of her, she already had the mental image of that long business she saw going into...

"no... i can't do this to you two, I'm still a virgin."


Zach turned and saw that there were tears forming in the corner of the girl's eyes, and finally he came to realize the meaning of her clothes and makeup.

"Hey girl, you're making a mistake here..."

The woman threw the sheets and screamed.

"I know I have no choice, but please come one at a time."

For some reason the woman had already accepted her destiny and would now surrender herself body and soul.

"Good if that's what you want."

The man took off his shirt and showed his thin, muscleless body.


"I'm just kidding."

'Wait for her to be alone with me so you can see'

"why does your gaze tell me anything else..."

He slammed the door hard and screamed from inside.

"Calm down Verônica, we need you for something else, I'll get dressed, I suggest you get dressed too, when I leave we'll talk."

She looked at Zach and he nodded in confirmation so she got up and when she stood on her back listened to a "wait" and soon after saw the glow of a flash, she turned instantly and saw Zachery with a cell phone in her direction.


"What ?, you were going to let me do something worse, wasn't to ?, a souvenir photo doesn't kill anyone."

"I hope that photo isn't on any social networks tomorrow."

He gave a mysterious smile and spoke.

"Don't worry, this photo will only be seen by me, because as far as I know, you're also my, right ?"

She squeezed her fists tightly to take courage before answering.


"I'm leaving"

At Robert's scream, she hurriedly crouched down and when another flash fell on her, "you...", she grumbled, but when she heard the sound of the latch she soon left it there and got dressed.

Soon Robert left, now properly dressed and looked at Veronica with an angry expression sitting next to Zach, he was looking at the screen of his cell phone and dropping happy laughs.

"It's NOT ANYTHING! Now tell me why you called me here."

"I wanted to use his body, but ingenious Robert who is suggested something better than just a only happy night out."

Robert was going to say something, but he saw that Zach shook his head and soon he folded his arms and went on with his role.

"yes i suggested something better."

He made the best poker face he could just to say that, Zach was already almost laughing, but he saw that it was not the time.

"so what do you want ? and also, don't treat me like a prostitute."

"it's exactly by not wanting to treat you like a whore that I ask you..."

He took his hand and knelt in front of him.

"be my girlfriend."

Two screams came out at exactly the same time.
