
(First of all thanks to you Dani who is helping me in an amazing way, believe me I'm impressed to have someone who liked this story so much, even because I didn't even believe in it.

And good to respond to what you said in the previous chapter, I don't mind, im not hypocritical, but I'll have to warn you that I won't be able to reward you for all your effort and wasted time, sorry.)


[You entered the purple castle]

[The arcane king awaits you]

Contrary to what looked like the exterior, inside was not small much less made of wood, here there is only a corridor with walls made of white stones and a mirrored floor that appears to be made of marble. Chandeliers adorn the ceiling and illuminate the long corridor.

In Sant's eyes he could see a thin, purple miasma that permeates the whole place, and he could also notice the old, worn-out state of the walls.

"It can't be that easy... can it?"

He began to walk towards the end of the corridor and with much less time than he expected came to a long circular staircase, from below came the thicker miasma, quickly he began to descend the staircase and on arriving at the end found a pair of huge doors being guarded by a couple of riders.

At the same time that Sant arrived five metres away, the knights knocked the spear handle on the ground and knelt down and as soon as Sant stood in front of the door he saw the knights become dust and disappear.

"you waited a long time in..."

He opened the doors and saw in the center of the room a red coffin with a silver cross in the middle, several chains of metal and mana surrounded the coffin and kept it closed and raised from the ground.

In the center of the cross a spear made entirely of light went through the coffin.

[Quest update: New objective: Release the fallen king]

'Um... Something's wrong here.'

Sant refers to the fact that in his past life the arcane king never talked about having to release anyone or at least having found a coffin, he said he reached the base of a mana throne and there was a crown that he took and equipped, after that he became the arcane king.

"if I've come this far, I have no reason to give up, that lunatic should be up there by now."

In his past life the arcane king was possessed by a superior spirit, for two days he wandered through the forest and when he finally found the purple castle, he didn't invade him immediately and only on the third day, after the barbaric kingdom had been founded was that he decided to enter and steal the crown, everyone wondered why he hadn't entered first, but an answer was never given.

Sant decided that he would release whatever was trapped in this coffin, and started walking towards it, the closer it got, the thicker the miasma became, and for some unknown reason, even by Sant himself, the miasma was being sucked into his body.

"coff, coff, what the fuck is that?"

Sant arrived in front of the coffin and put his hand on it, all the mana chains started running and winding around his arms, but when his Hp came down for a point, the figure in his hand dropped a beam of light like a flashlight and disintegrated the chains.


A voice whispered in the room and then the mark on his hand disappeared.

[Hand of Mana was undone and disappeared]

[Aia's blessing remains active]

[Owl skill still usable]

Then the sound of breaking chains was heard and not long time after, the sound of the coffin colliding with the ground. The chains of mana would last forever, but the metal chains did not and so they collapsed over time.

The coffin stood up even after the fall and Sant decided to open it, and when he did so he saw inside, the body of a young man, his purple hair was as dark as a cloud of rain and so long that it easily touched his heels, although confined in a coffin for centuries his skin was still as young as that of a teenager.

In his chest there is a deep hole in which you can see the other side, the spear of light had already disappeared and while inspected the body, Sant notices that suddenly the corpse opens his eyes and extends his left hand to touch him.


Then the hand falls and the body is dead again, Sant is paralyzed by the fright, because he saw himself without any reaction, the undead moved so fast that he could not even react.

[Congratulations you have completed the epic quest: Finding the last arcane]

[Reward: city creation stone rank: S+]

[you accomplished an impossible feat, you brought an extinct civilization back to life]

[Rewards sent to the mail]

'that was the quest's reward ?, but what about the title of king ?'

"open quest log, show last completed quest"

<< Quest: Finding the last arcane >>

[Classification: Epic]

[Information from the quest: The arcane people have long been extinct from this world, but him who will not die until he finds his successor]

[Objective: to find the last living arcane/ 72 hrs/ Release the fallen king]

[Reward: city creation stone rank: S+]

'but the title of king comes only with the crown?, but what the hell...'

He started running and climbed the stairs back up at a unique speed, then continued running down the hall until he reached the secret door, as soon as he crossed it he saw his friend being held by the neck while his girlfriend was with frozen on her legs.

The man seems to have noticed his arrival because as soon as Sant arrived he spoke to himself.

"aura of the fallen king"

Warrior who also noticed him, scream with his last strength.

"Run Sant, this guy's too strong"

The floating man turned his face and looked toward the door, and only then could Sant see the true appearance of the possessor.

"Black spirit Balkan..."

The man made a worrying face, Balkan played Warrior away and floated towards Sant, and when he reached a meter away looked him in the eye and asked.

"How do you know my name?"

Sant didn't answer, but surely his eyes were looking at the claw-shaped mark on the man's shoulder in front of him.

'Damn, he's just a intermediate spirit inhabiting a low-level body, so why does all this force emanate?'

"help me."

In saying this Sant looked beyond Balkan, at a specific place in the forest.


In the distance a long howl could be heard, then it was the sound of paws colliding with the ground, and in less than a second a figure appeared next to Balkan and bit his shoulder, his massive strength caused the man's shoulder to be destroyed.

"Foolish beast, why does attack me knowing of his funeral destiny?"

The man held the lower jaw of the wolf and opened it to try to escape, but unexpectedly a fireball came out of the creature's throat and burned the upper part of the man.


His skin began to melt and in some parts his skeleton was visible, the blood that came out of his wound was black and began to harden in his body, created a pair of horns on his forehead, and a kind of armor on his body.

The wolf was still stuck on his shoulder, but for the new Balkan this was nothing, he plucked his own destroyed arm and went through the wolf's belly.

The wolf with a hole in his belly retreated, but Balkan would not give him any loopholes, he threw his arm towards Fengir, who wisely deviated, and retalied with a fireball, but Balkan erected in front of him a barrier of ice and protected himself from the fireball.


He punched the ice barrier that protected him and several ice spikes began to float around him, he pointed with his finger and everyone flew towards Fengir that ran zigzag and because of this only two hit his back.

Fengir was badly injured, but Balkan was not much better, the black blood was recovering his flesh, and his entire skeleton was already covered, but still he looked weak.

The wolf also noticed this and therefore kept his distance, in view of all this Balkan decided to adopt a new method.

"Why do you attack now?, while I massacred those two you just watched."

"you don't need to know, demon"

Once again the wolf invested in Balkan, but the moment the two were to collide, a crushing aura arose from the hut, then the whole hut exploded and a purple and black miasma rose to the skies, the clouds disappeared and in their place two rings a purple and a smaller black emerged.

"no... that aura... noooooooooo!"

A transparent aura began to sweep the entire field and when it came into contact with the devil, it began to make him suffer, a smoke rose all over his body and after a few minutes a ghostly creature appeared beside the human.

The creature was ten feet tall, with goat's legs and a lizard's head, on its back there was a tail with a snake's head on top.

"I'll remember you miserable king arcane"

After that threat, he disappeared.