The arcane king was born

(The chapter was quite long, and look I tried as much as possible to slow it down.)

(Remember this chapter is because of 100 stone of Dani.)


At the same moment that the wolf bit the demon shoulder, Sant turned and ran, a thousand thoughts passing through his head at the same time, several theories about many facts and when he arrived at the door that should be closed, he finally realized it.

'That's it, the corrupt chosen one and the quest... That which will make someone become the arcane king... That's why he entered only three days later, for it was the time of the quest or the time of the fallen king's life...'

'I thought it was too easy, but to face Balkan at this beginning of the game is impossible... Except that if I hadn't gotten the quest I wouldn't have won the biggest prize in this game...'

As he walked through the door, he got the notification.

[you're not the chosen one]

Although the notification, nothing really stop him from entering and it just made him even more convinced about his own theories, but he didn't have time for it, he had to run or else his next guardian might end up dying.

After a few seconds running he came to a wide area and there he found a couple of open doors and a privileged view to a golden throne and a pedestal in front of him, on the throne there are two items: a crown and a purple gem.

'that, here it is.'

He took his first steps and soon stopped, for next to the throne was a blue-haired lion, but even after seeing this he moved on and as soon as he walked through the doors the lion seemed to wake up and moved his head towards Sant.

"Calm kitten"

Sant spoke the first cliché that came into his head. The lion didn't seem to understand him and just started walking slowly towards him, Sant didn't dare to move and just stayed there while the lion smelled him and in the end the lion just passed through the door and left, at least that's what Sant thought.

The young man wasted no time and soon was already in front of the crown, he took it and put it on his head, the crown began to disappear and become dust, time eroded it, but it did not lose its main function.

[Crowning of the arcane king, successful]

[You received the title: King Arcanum]

[You received the title: Regent of a race]

[Congratulations you did an extraordinary action and became king of a forgotten race, rewards were delivered in your mail]

[Congratulations you did an extraordinary action and brought to life a race that had already been extinguished, rewards were delivered in your mail]

The crown disappeared, but Sant knew the only trace left by her, he touched his forehead and felt above his eyebrow that there was something there, there was a star drawn as scratches, but what Sant did not know was that besides the star his hair and pupils also changed color.

"ok, next thing is you"

He turned and walked a little further ahead and there he saw a completely cracked stone on the pedestal and when he touched it, the stone became dust and disappeared.

He went into his inventory and took his reward the rank S stone and put it on the pedestal, some logs referring to it appeared and he answered them.

[Please name your new kingdom]


"Define as Arcania"

[Name of the capital being randomly generated...]

[Do you wish to found the capital Arcan?]



[Do you wish to restore the arcane people?]



[Arcane people are now available in the list of early races]

[Do you want to make the arcana the main people of your city?]



[You want to activate the effect of the title: Regent of a race?]


'if I activate the effect I'll end up controlling all the arcana in the game, but I don't think it's as beneficial initially.'


[congratulations... in the mail]

[congratulations... in the mail]

[congratulations... in the mail]

[congratulations... in the mail]


[World Announcement: The arcane people are now available as a playable race]

[World Announcement: The Arcania kingdom emerged in the world]

[World Announcement: The Arcan capital of the kingdom of Arcania emerged in the world]

[World Announcement: The Arcane King was born]


[Congratulations you were the first player to found a city in hostile lands]

[You got the title: Pioneer]

[Congratulations you were the first player to found a kingdom in hostile lands]

[You received the title: Pioneer King]

[For being the first city in the world to be created you received the title: Pioneer City]

[For being the first kingdom in the world to be created you received the title: Pioneer Kingdom]

[Aia congratulates him on his conquest, she blesses his land]

[His territory has received the blessing of Aia]

[The blessing of your territory and yours is in tune, you want to merge the two?]


Sant didn't know which one he should look at first, but he knew he should, so he started reading all the logs, most of it was about rewards he has in the mail, and also has the three titles.

<< Pioneer >>

[For being the first player to create a city you received this title]

[Effect: +25% appreciation of its people for their daily actions]

<< Pioneer king >>

[For being the first player to create a kingdom you received this title]

[Effect: +50% attraction of wild people]

<< Pioneer city >>

[The first founded city in the world receives this title]

[Effect: +25% appreciation of their soldiers for their military actions]

<< Pioneer kingdom >>

[The first founded kingdom of the world receives this title]

[Effect: +50% attraction to soldiers and generals without a kingdom]


"Who said the first to discover Aia had no rewards?

"yes, I want to mix the effects"

[Successfully enhanced blessing]


[Effect 1: Attraction of researchers, intellectuals and scholars +30%]

[Effect 2: Chance of a great sage being born in this city +15%]

[Effect 3: Status Int and Wis will have a boost in their land: +50, (only by those chosen by the king), Vacancies: 5]

[Effect 4: The npcs of this city will have more intelligence than the average]

[Effect 5: Beasts that join this city will have their intelligence gradually increased]

'wow, that's a blessing, in my previous life the top level was the highest achieved by the players, but none of them ever revealed the effects of the blessing and now I know why.'

While drooling over the blessing and titles, Sant heard a roar, and quickly he looked at the door. There he saw a blue-mane lion running toward him, he in panic began to chant an enchantment, but as soon as the lion came near the enough, he turned into a person and threw himself at Sant.

Sant's eyes closed for a few seconds and when he opened again he noticed what was on his body, a woman with long blue hair was thrown over his arms, despite her human appearance her skin is still a little yellow, thus revealing your race.

"My liege, how long I wait for you"

The woman raised her face and Sant saw the color of his eyes, one blue and one green, one of his fangs sticking out of his mouth. There were three marks below the right eye and a tusk earring in the left ear.

"and you are ?"

The woman jumped off her lap and saluted standing as she screamed.

"I am Liona, the king's concubine"

When she jumped Sant saw her naked state, her perfect curves, slender legs and thick thighs, and her full breasts that moved with every few movements, with that state of nakedness he noted the unique tattoos of the beast people he had heard so much talk about your previous life.

It came from his shoulder to his forearm. For Sant it was little more than lines and symbols, he even saw a sun, but to the beast people is his history and tradition.

A crooked smile formed on his face and he answered.


He was going to get up, but as he moved he felt something hard in his back, he looked down and saw a purple stone with a red flame burning inside.