Another poor guy

(Special Chapter of the 150 stones)


"a space stone"?

Each player comes with a small size space bag, about 20 cubes with a maximum stacking of 50 equal items, but space stones are pieces of space itself and therefore have a very random size.

"it's gonna be mine"

The method of gaining possession of a space stone is somewhat unique, so he dripped some of his blood and then channeled his entire mana towards the stone.

[you conquered the dominion of a space stone]

"now we'll see what's inside"

The important thing to know about the space stones is that unlike space spells living beings cannot be transported, only lifeless items, so it is very common to find immeasurable fortunes in some stones.

Sant activated the stone and began to search its interior, but ended up being frightened by what he found. There were eight coffins inside, all of the same color, but each with a different symbol.

In the first there was a golden cross, in the second a purple flower, in the third a white flash, in the fourth a black ring, in the fifth a gray sword, in the sixth a pink crown, in the seventh a green tree, in the eighth a red eye.

'interestingly, I think I just found the king's private cemetery, but why did they give me eight bodies ?, if I count the king's own, there are nine.'

Sant would spend the rest of the night there thinking, but a message removed him from his state of mind.

Reading this, Sant gets up extremely quickly and runs up to the door, and as he crosses it, he sees the wolf lying on his own blood, a huge wound is located on her belly and she groans of pain every few seconds, her eyes were already partially closed.


He approaches and kneels in front of the wounded wolf.

"human... it looks like I won't keep my end of the bargain."

The voice he heard in his head no longer had half as much intimidation as he ever had, the strength seemed missing, Sant felt sorry for the creature that would die for the good of his children.

"has a way of saving you, and not only that, if you accept I will fulfill my part of our contract immediately".

The wolf who had already lost all hope upon hearing the man's phrase seemed to revive, his eyes emit the sparkle of life again.

"system elect the wolf Fengir the guardian of the Arcan village."

[Because of Fengir's high intelligence this choice will be passed on to her]


[Wolf King Fengir accepts]

Immediately a white light began to surround Fengir and then she was taken to the sky and the light began to enter her body, because of the light her appearance was not being shown only her silhouette, and to everyone's surprise there was a human torso in the place where before was the wolf's head.

The light disappeared and she fell standing on the ground, her hair became white as snow, and there was a woman's body in place of her head, the woman was out of clothes so her breasts were on display and to Sant's surprise they were small, her skin is a little gray and she had the mark of the arcane king on her waist.

Her face is that of a twenty-year-old girl, her protruding tusks escape from her lips, and her eyes are golden in color, her hair reaches only the middle of her back and has the white color.

The former wolf queen Fengir has successfully evolved, but with her submitting to you she has lost her condition of king and area chief, a new one will soon be elected].

[Because of your new guardian you received a new building for construction: Wolf's Grotto]

"Fengir go after your children, bring as many as you can, soon none of them will listen to you anymore and if it's not voluntary I can't make them my vassals."

The wolf felt his connection with them disappearing and soon realized what his new master meant, and after bowing down to him ran towards the forest.

After solving the most urgent situation he found his two friends, both very hurt, and thrown to the ground next to an unknown man.

"Warrior?, Silver, are you alive?"

"I'm all right Zach, but I think that guy over there is gonna die."

"who is this behind you?"

Ignoring Silver completely with his legs frozen, Sant goes to the boy and as soon as he puts his eyes on his face he takes three steps back, because he knew him.

'arcane king?'

The young man thrown to the ground had red hair and dark skin, and there was a small black sign below his left eye, the boy didn't seem to be more than 16 years old and yet, Sant wondered why he was chosen by the system to be the next arcane king.

'The choice of traits for each player comes through a mental sweep by the helmet/glasses and thus a proper trait is created, it can be a child's desire to be a monster or who knows the desire for money, only the strongest desire of each defines his trait. (Those who play on a computer or mobile phone do not gain trait).'

'So each player can not complain about his trait, but there are some blessed that besides trait also receive the "fate", in the game there are several forgotten races or special weapons that depend on a lineage, it is exactly this type of player that the arcane king is.'

'Generally each player receives the common fate of a citizen, or lumberjack, fisherman etc, but there are special ones, those that meet a system requirement and can receive the fate of being kings or queens.'

'He received the fate of being the arcane king, but even so he failed to found his own kingdom as the barbarian king or the Amazon queen, for sure he did not meet a requirement and this was to have the right class.'

'The barbarian king was a warrior, and the Amazon queen an archer, but the arcane king created the account as a warrior and maybe that's why he failed in something and ended up being possessed by Balkan and to prevent the arcane kingdom from falling into other hands he stayed here until the arcane king died and so he only received half the reward.'

'But now I am the arcane king and he is just another poor guy tormented by the evil spirits, because once in contact with the demons you get a very powerful curse that can only be taken away by someone very powerful, in his case it was the coronation of the king that freed him from it, but in this life only if I...'

"Help... help me"