The holy son of Arcania

The arcane king in creating his kingdom did not receive any manpower and so he did not have a place to call a meeting room, so the 43 new citizens were of extreme importance to him.

Sant was close to the heart of his kingdom, the king's jewel, and in front of him were ten arcanos, three of them wearing slightly refined clothes, the rest wearing rags. The refined had an air of arrogance, while the others looked upon their king with anticipation. The other thirty-three were ordinary, light-skinned and some dark-skinned humans.

"Make a line and come to me. I wish to know your name, age, profession and what you wish to find in the kingdom of Arcania.

For some reason the three refined arcana took the lead and the others did not say anything, seeing this Sant wanted to intervene, but he knew he should not for now, because he already understood what was happening.

The first to introduce himself was a strong and bald man, his eyes had a very weak indigo color, he wore a long robe that touched the ground and a pair of blue shoulders, on his chest was a symbol, it was the drawing of a bird.

"My name is Zayn Payes, I'm 31 years old and I'm a researcher, I wish to become a subject of his majesty and be able to recreate my family."

"system activates the eyes of the ruler."

Then around the man a very fine smoke began to appear, the gray color was predominant, but there were also some traces of blue. This aura would tell Sant if the man in front of him possesses high natural talent and define whether he can become an important asset in the kingdom.

"hm ok, next."

The man still with a smile on his face turned and went to the side and then a woman introduced herself to him, the woman had resemblance to the previous man, as the color of the eyes and the sign on the chin.

"My name is Zayna Payes and I'm Zayn's daughter, I'm 23 years old this year and I don't have a profession, but I know I have a natural talent for magic and I want to become your apprentice my king."

Unfortunately for her, Sant could see that the color of her aura is only a little thicker than that of her father, and so even if she learns magic she could never become a master.

"Zayna right ?, unfortunately I won't be able to fulfill your desire to become my apprentice, because you don't have the necessary talent."

The very indignant woman spoke in a desperate tone.

"but I am a noble my lord!"

In the game Gods Battle when establishing a kingdom the noble families can be restored through the appearance of descendants npcs, this is quite common, but most are born arrogant due to their belief in nobility and often abandon their new king.

"I can evaluate each one of you here, and I can say for sure, that you have no talent, besides that I already have an apprentice".

Sant said this because he could see from afar that Fengir was coming with a certain number of wolves, and mounted on one of them was Merlin.

The woman seemed not to believe this and looked at her father, then she left with her arms crossed and her face angry. After that Zayna left another woman came forward and introduced herself to Sant.

The woman greeted him and then spoke in a firm tone.

"I'm Griphine, sir, I'm 25 years old and I'm an alchemist, but I'm not very good."

"to me you seem to have some talent."

The color around Griphine is dark pink, which means she has an above-average natural talent, while Sant still rated her he heard her call him.

"My king, I wish you would let me serve you."

"yes I will."

"I wish to be your servant, my lord."

If Sant wants, him attribute the ruler's eyes to her, but that requires him to trust her enough, but he didn't have so much time, he needs to go to town and recover his rewards, he needs to help Merlin among many other things of which he planned.

"All right, but I'll have to do that, I'm sorry. System show me Griphine's status screen."

[Name: Griphine Speru]

[Age: 27]-[Level: 23]

[Title: Count Speru's daughter]

[Class:...]-[Profession: alchemist (intermediate)]

[Loyalty: 50%]

"Lady Speru ?, fortunately for you I don't have much time to spend here anymore, so I won't investigate further, but know that when I come back I'll want to know the reason for your lies."

Sant turned and walked away, not much in front of him came Fengir and Merlin, as he walked he gave commands.

"Give Griphine the ability to eyes of ruler, and tell her that I want materials when I return, preferably wood. Men aged 20 to 40 can work, women and children must collect fruit and herbs in the forest."

When he stopped giving commands, Fengir was already standing in front of him, there were several wolves and in the middle of them there was a skinny boy, he looked fearful, but was still mounted on one of them.

"I see you've met my guardian beast Merlin, but I didn't know you'd get along so well with her."

A crooked smile appeared on his face and soon after he dismounted from the wolf and walked up to the front of Sant, his look implied something, and seeing this, Sant decided to ignore him for now.

"Fengir report the number of wolves and how you ended up getting acquainted with Merlin."

"Yes, sir. I managed to recruit 213 of my sons, about 189 are fit for battle and can ride, the others are puppies. Merlin was hunting in the forest when I found him, and because of a risky situation with the new boss I ended up bringing him on top of one of my children."

"what was the problem with the new boss?"

"he has the same level of intellect as me. I believe he's one step away from evolving, but he'll probably find the flaw and end up like me."

'damn it if a wolf evolves so quickly that guy will be born before his time...'

"Fengir i have a special mission for you and your pack."


"Finally your time has come, Merlin."

"Yes, it's time for you to make me a mage."

"You will not be an ordinary mage, you will be the holy son of Arcania."

Sant walked to the front of Merlin and a majestic aura fell on him. Merlin wondered if this was real, how could the young man of a few seconds ago become a man who exhales such dignity?, he unconsciously knelt down.

"I, the king of Arcania, chosen by heaven to rebuild a kingdom erased from history, now choose my son, the holy son of all Arcania, who will carry on his back the legacy of my predecessor and if he lives will help my successor. Merlin, do you accept to be the holy son of Arcania?"

The voice of Sant could be heard by the whole human empire, everyone wondered if it was some kind of event, because the voice they heard was that of a king and not that of an ordinary player.


[Barbarian Kingdom]

In a room inside a wooden house, a man would scream and hit the table.

"How the fuck has he ever found out about the holy son?"

"I don't know father, but if this aberration is born we'll never complete our goal."

"find it in, NOW!"



A torrent of purple light fell from the sky on Merlin and he began to float. Illusory wings formed on his back, a crown appeared above his head, a holy music played and several transparent fairies came to grace him.

Sant saw a tip of his star crumble and in the middle of Merlin's forehead appeared a prism. A wooden staff fell from the sky and took root in the ground, Merlin began to descend, her clothes completely changed.

A long black cloak with red details hid her entire body, a long conical hat lying on her head, a necklace with an eye pendant on it, and rings on her middle fingers.

He stood in front of Sant and as soon as he opened his eyes, Sant could see the red color on the outside and on the inside the purple iris.

"Thank you."

After he said that, he took the staff and disappeared.