you're weak

"ah, those children... Hey, lower creature, do your duty."

On Sant's head appeared the little angel from before, he was looking with a look of hate at the one who called him inferior, but he could not disregard his duty, so all he did was look with hatred.

A small white light appeared among the trees and frightened the small animals that grazed peacefully. The light was divided in two and from its center came an arm and then a leg and put an end to the whole silhouette.

"Whew, I think it should be good here by now."

It was Merlin who emerged from the light, he looked a little pale, but there was certainty in his eyes, he seemed convinced of something.

'With this new power I can surely become the king.'

Because of his weakness he decided to sit next to a tree and while resting decided to look at his new status screen.

"open status screen"

[Name: Merlin] [Hp: 70]

[Title: Holy son of Arcania] [Mp: 30/100]

[Level: 03] [Sta: 15/25]

[Race: Arcane]

[Class: Wizard]

<< Attributes >> << Skills >>

Strength : 05 Infernal invocation (weak)

Vitality: 07 Demonic call (minor)

Agility: 06 Demonic scream

Intelligence: 10 Black fireball (minor)

Luck: 05


Damage:+15 Magic damage: +30

Defense: +25 Magic defense: +30

"Show me the staff status screen in my hand"

Merlin's staff has a dry wood appearance, and several random scratches spread all over it, at the top of the staff rests a colorless stone held by five points, while at the base there is an uneven surface.

[Solomon's left arm]

[Rarity: legendary]

Damage: 15

Magic damage: 30

Affinity with demons: +10%

[Special Skill: grows according to the user]

[Level 01 Skill: invocation of demon (familiar)]

[Level 05 Skill: Locked]

[Other skills blocked]

[Special Effect 01: the bearer may contract with demons]

[Special Effect 02: blocked]

[Other Effects blocked]

[Additional information: The illustrious magician Solomon with his superior intellect invoked and subdued 72 demons. He wrote three grimoires and scattered them all over the world and after his death his body was transformed into a set of weapons, only with the whole body and all the grimoires will you be able to use Solomon's full power]

"wow, that must be the most powerful weapon in the whole game."

Because of his distraction, Merlin did not notice the change in his surroundings, the whole place began to get dark, and in the sky a bird was staring at him, not only that, Merlin was surrounded by wolves.

The wind changed direction and along with it brought the strong smell of blood, as Merlin felt it he raised his head and noticed its surroundings, he was scared at first and started singing his new charms.

"Listen to my voice and obey me: Hell's invocation"

When he finished his singing a crack appeared in front of him and three little devils the size of a child came out, all fat with scaly skin, horns on his head, a pair of wings on his back and a trident in his hand.

"Hear my call and rise out of darkness: demonic call"

A red gate appeared in front of Merlin, he opened and from inside came a child with a long tail and a pair of ox horns on his head, he was naked and in his hand he was holding a dagger.

For some reason Merlin's chest was still tight, he felt that even this would not be enough to stop the man who turned him into a sorcerer, he began to hear steps approaching.

In panic he hit his staff on the ground and began to invoke the magic contained in it.

"In the name of Solomon, in the name of the one who imprisoned him and commanded him, I, the new owner of this staff, call him to work under my name, let the familiar demon appear".

An immense magic circle appeared under Merlin's feet, an eight-pointed star dominated the entire circle and several drawings and words in a different language complemented the magic circle.

In front of Merlin a black creature began to appear. The creature was blurry, but began to take shape of a man with horns and a pair of fleshy wings, he wears a black suit and the color of his eyes are red with a slit in the middle.

"Wow! you'd be an amazing person if you weren't just a metre tall."

The voice came from the left and it was Sant sitting on top of a grey wolf.

"Hello Merlin, your king has come to congratulate you on becoming a mage ? no, maybe a witch ?"

"aa- attack!"

All the devils flew and were the first to come close, but from heaven an immense creature grabbed one with one paw and threw in another, and with his beak dug in the head of the last.

The demon who ran like a beast with a dagger in his mouth arrived not long after, but Fengir came out of the shadows and hit him. The demon child flew a little far away and soon returned.

"Come on Merlin, these minions of yours aren't good for anything, because they don't send this cute one here"

"Go on, kill him."

The red-eyed demon flew and soon arrived in front of Sant, but curiously he stopped in front of the man and did not move, seemed hypnotized. In front of Merlin there was a message.

[His relative is being robbed by Sant]

"what?, come back."

"a little late, little Merlin, your familiar is already mine."

The creature suddenly grew, his nails became longer and his wings larger, two long fangs jumped out of his mouth and his eyes contained greater rationality. He folded the upper body and bowed to Sant.

"my king"

"I gained this ability when I changed class, a very useful ability, it is called Charisma, any non-human creature who is weaker than I have the chance to recognize my status and decide to ally with me".

"you, how dare you steal my family member"

"Family members are only stolen if his owner is very weak."

The devil was flying around Sant and soon the bird joined him and not long after Fengir appeared.

"accept Merlin, you are weaker than me"