The apparition of the arcane king (1)

"I was waiting for you"

After twenty minutes of a long silence, the arcane king finally spoke, that establishment was already full to the brim, players from all corners came trying their luck to talk to the arcane king, but to everyone's surprise he didn't speak a single word.

"Miss Grace, come here and sit next to me."

The woman who had just set foot inside the bar was surprised to hear her name quoted by a stranger.

"Do you know me?

"the question is, do you want to know more about this game?"

The woman found the man enigmatic, she never thought that someone younger who would play with her current situation, it is no secret that the journalist of Gods Battle does not like her promotion.

"and what can you teach me?"

"What's your current level?"

"I don't focus too much on fighting for this is... why should I say it?"

The man who had been on his back all this time turned and looked into the woman's eyes, in his perspective he saw a woman not too tall, curved in the right places and a short hair of a dark color.

"you're as beautiful as I've been told"

The woman was left without action and ended up forming a shy smile, in her perspective, she saw a tall and thin man, without any defect, perfect skin, hypnotizing eyes and a hair with a unique color, and on top of that he carries a mysterious aura.

"I'm level 10 and you can call me Sant. I'm the king of Arcania, nice to meet you."

He reached out to her and suggested a handshake.

"Much pleasure, as you already know my id is Graces, and I'm level 05".

When she took his hand, it was suddenly pulled and in the blink of an eye she was already face to face with Sant, her heart accelerated and for some reason she was feeling extremely nervous.

"it hasn't woken up yet?so I still have a chance."

He was looking at his neck and also at his forehead.

"How do you feel about working for me?"

The woman was taken by surprise, she was going to answer "no" immediately, but had her lips touched by Sant's index finger and so did not deny it.

"Today is what ? the third or fourth day of opening the game ? actually does not matter, throughout the kingdom orcs were sighted and an invasion is imminent, all the cities outside the mountains will be exterminated and no player besides me is prepared for it".

Not only Grace, but all the players around who heard it were perplexed, Grace who was ready to question, but noticed his calm.

Immediately all the players started to criticize the arcane king, because to them the man just wanted to look nice for the lady in his arms.

"you... how do you know that?"

"stop wanting to look nice to the girl"

"I even had faith in you"

"another one of those who likes to talk nonsense."

The arcane king's sarcastic laughter silenced everyone.

"hahahahahaha, I'll show you"

A magic circle appeared on the floor of the entire bar, not only that but also a tangible purple energy began to suffocate all the local players, the lower level ones fell to the floor without air.

"That's not even a spell, it's just arcane energy. The mana you use is a level lower than my arcane energy, and whatever is too weak when you come into contact with it suffers from a special condition."

The energy grew thicker and thicker and everywhere began to shine, the ground began to vibrate and when everyone thought it was over, dozens of fireballs appeared behind Sant and one by one positioned themselves in front of each player.

This was not the common fireball that every player knew, this was an exclusive arcana class fireball. The ball is condensed with elemental energy and reinforced with arcane energy, thus creating very effective bombs.

Not even a sound could be heard throughout the room with over 60 players, even the harsh sound of panicky breathing was being contained to the maximum.

"I am the arcane king, hehe, and as a class I have master arcanist, but we are all friends here, humans must always be together".

A sound of finger snapping was heard and it all sounded like a dream.

"this level of power is necessary to be able to face a fighting orc, believe me, among the three kings I am the weakest currently, because I don't have a flashy weapon like them".

Grace was safe, Sant created a barrier and protected her from miasma so she didn't understand the terror of arcane energy, but she saw those terrifying balls of fire and how a mage, she understood the power of Sant.

"Listen up, only those on level 10 can face an orc. I shouldn't reveal it, but I felt sorry for you."

At that moment Gerard passed through the door with a black stone and red symbols on it and walked calmly and gave it to Sant.

"when you get to level 10 buy this stone, and only then will you be prepared to fight an orc, otherwise you'll just be like sheep facing a wolf."

Silence reigned, but everyone's interest in the stone grew every second, they were thinking that that might have been the reason the arcane king became so strong, but then they heard the next sentence and became apprehensive.

"I haven't used it yet, but I'm going to use it to let you see the difference in levels".

Sant crushed the stone in his hand and immediately the red glow that was inside the stone surrounded him, began to coiled around his wrist and neck and through which he passed he left black marks.

Those curious people could see the expression of pain on the arcane king's face, but they dared not mock him, for his aura continued to grow stronger by the second as he passed, to the point where the soldiers of the city came to see what was happening.

After the glow disappeared some of Sant's characteristics became more prominent, his hair grew and became even more purple, the color of his pupils became even darker.

On his left arm holding the stone he had some marks that rose from his wrist to his shoulder and branched to his chest and neck.

This was what everyone could see, but inside Sant many more things happened and the logs in front of Sant kept appearing.

'finally I will see the glory of my trace'.