The apparition of the arcane king (2)

[You woke up your stroke: Magic affinity]

[Due to your race having a great affinity with your dash you unlocked a special effect: arcane constitution]

[Due to your magic class you got a special effect: arcane heart]

[Due to your title you have obtained a special effect: ancestral wisdom]

[Due to your trace you unlocked the hidden attribute: wisdom]

[Due to your trace all its elementary affinities increased by 20%]

[Due to your trace its spells take less time to complete and cost - 50% of mp]

'I didn't choose wrongly to trade my 10 years of experience for that bet, now let's see what I've earned'.

[Trace: Magic Affinity]

[Info: at birth it was decided by the great gods of destiny that your body would be a mana receptacle, and so now you have several elemental affinities and a mana recovery]

[Effect: the magical energy around you gathers in you]

[Special effect 01: arcane constitution]

[Special effect 02: arcane heart]

[Special effect 03: arcane wisdom]

'My God, my trace is one of the most common in the game, but due to all the external factors I got a jackpot!'

'there was a research in my past life, many players had doubts about how to make their trace more powerful and due to the research it was revealed that their trace cannot change, but it can offer you more bonuses depending on many external factors, but the most important ones were the class and the race'.

[Special effect: arcane heart]

[Info: inside your chest was born that which every wizard covets, inside you there is a superior mana stone that constantly pumps arcane energy]

[Effect: maximum mp x2/ 5x faster mp recovery]


[Special effect: arcane constitution]

[Info: due to the highly compatible blood flowing through your veins, your body has become a perfect receptacle for arcane energy and because of this your spells become stronger]

[Effect: Magic damage X2]


[Special effect: arcane wisdom]

[Info: the arcane king was the most powerful magician in the whole continent of gods battle, and due to this he was acclaimed as the arcane god, but unexpectedly he disappeared and left for his successor the ancestral wisdom]

[Effect: you can learn magic from all magical classes]

'arcane wisdom is equivalent to the trace: Archmage, the trace that every successful magician had'.

"My master, it's time to go."

Sant who was completely focused on his status screens finally came back to himself, he looked around and saw all the players amazed, it was only then that he noticed that his body was emitting a magical aura of the highest level.

The mana around him was being corrupted and forcibly converted into arcane energy. His body became the most arcane-compatible item in the entire game, in his chest there is an item that pumps arcane energy, his flesh and bones have a pure magical conduction, he has already become the purest human magician in the game.

Sant took a cloak from his inventory and covered his body, also Gerard covered himself and then they headed for the exit, but before leaving, Sant turned and spoke to Grace and everyone else.

"don't forget what I offered you, and now that I've revealed about the orcs, it shouldn't take long until the game notifies you all".

No player dared to follow Sant, everyone was too busy processing the amount of information he said, orcs, levels and power, this lasted for another ten minutes and only passed because of a warning from the system.

[Urgent Warning: The orcs have become more and more savage and there is a risk of an imminent invasion, become powerful and defend their land.]

The time of the warning could not be more appropriate when the players saw this warning and all took note of what the arcane king said and panicked, as none of them were even close to level 10.

"I'm forming a party to hunt wolves".

"I'm a level 07 magician in search of a party to complete missions"

"somebody recorded that?, quickly send the video to the forum and start the search for that black rock."

During hours the video of the arcane king was discussed in the forum of the game, he was already known even by those who did not play the game thanks to KLD who broadcast his amazing appearance on TV and he was already being called the strongest player of Gods Battle.

Snowy snow: wow that op.

Lawn Mower: for sure these arcanes are strong.

Fan of big X: not so, the arcane race is already available to be chosen in the game, and he only has points as magician, they do not even have the strength to raise a knife.

Sheep farmer: that's right, this arcane king who is simply a bug in the game, as he how have so much mana ?.

Angry clown: it's not stupid mana is arcane energy, it has many differences.


[Barbarian kingdom]

In the meeting room of the barbaric kingdom all the high-ranking people were called at once, there were today ten people gathered in the enclosure and yet nobody spoke a single word. All had serious expressions on their faces.

"There's no point in all of us getting that serious face, let's get right to the point. This arcane king how did he know about the orc invasions?"

"There's no way to know, it could have been a mission or something like that".

"it might be, but how could he have leveling up so fast?"

"today is the fifth day of play, even though I'm going on all the hunts for those six-horned deer, I'm still at level 08"

"missions, I'm sure he's found some high-level missions."

The old man who had an ugly face and closed his eyes so far has finally spoken.

"powerful... did you see how powerful that boy is?"

"he claimed to be the weakest of them all..."

"how many warlocks can put 60 players in check at once?, he said he's only the weakest because he saw the gun that this idiot exhibited."

The barbaric king who was suddenly included in the conversation looked at the axe that was on his waist, he didn't think anyone would recognize his gun.

"Grandpa, I'm sure he has no way of getting it..."

[Urgent Warning: the public enemy of the continent Agartha was born, hunt and kill the necromancer before he pollutes the world with his energy of death and chaos]


[Kingdom of the Amazons]

[Urgent Warning: the public enemy of the continent Agartha was born, hunt and kill the necromancer before he pollutes the world with his energy of death and chaos]

"it seems we have two problems now, my sisters."

In the imperial room of the Amazons, Queen Rose was sitting on her throne and twenty other women were kneeling in front of her.

"We are the Amazons so we must keep the peace in the continent Agartha, first of all we must kill that impure arcane king and then the necromancer".

A woman with blue hair asked permission to speak and when she was granted permission she asked.

"and as for the orcs my lady, we don't have the necessary level to fight them".

When the queen heard her sister's concern, she felt disappointed, because for her there was no one stronger than the Amazons.

"Don't be confused Black Star, we're not like ordinary players, once we become amazons our strength grows every day and once we're done exploring that ruin we're sure to become even more powerful".

At that moment a thin man and wearing rags invades the room, his face is weak despite having a good appearance.

"what do you do in my imperial room lower creature"

The man kneels down and speaks breathlessly.

"the first level of ruin has been exploited by us, but we do not have the strength to kill the boss."

The woman made an expression of disgust and with the whip on her waist attacked the man.

"useless, come on sisters, let's show these inferior beings what power is."