The apparition of the arcane king (end)

[Urgent Warning: the public enemy of the continent Agartha was born, hunt down and kill the necromancer before he pollutes the world with his energy of death and chaos]

"Holy shit, I completely forgot about them"

'necromancer, the black knight, the black druid, the berserker, and the healer. The five most dangerous and untrustworthy in the whole game, hated and envied by almost every player. '


Sant who was heading towards the rewards site with Gerard, saw this new notification and remembered a shy player from his past life who due to his luck became one of the strongest and most hated players on the server.

"said something my master?"

"no, let's continue"

As he walked towards his destination Sant began to remember some iconic figures of the game.

'the necromancer came first and not long after was the black knight, these classes could not be chosen when creating a character, but both could make disciples and thus disseminate their knowledge and chaos.'

'for some reason they had as their goal to create a church and summon some imprisoned god...'

Sant was already starting to think of new moves he could make, and was already starting to form new plans.

'In a few minutes it will be 05:00 and it will be officially the fifth day of Gods Battle and with that will appear the common classes: murderer, elemental magician and warrior with sword and shield.'

His plans were to take shape, after today he will start to put his ideas in motion, but for everything to work out he has to get a good reward gun like the other king.

"we arrived my lord".

The reward delivery site is a separate lounge from the Adventurer's Association. This association was created by the npcs, but players can use it to obtain high level missions or request rewards from dead npcs.

The salon is spacious and has only one counter and one attendant. The attendant is an elf slave, her hair is pink and is at shoulder height, her eyes do not contain much energy, but her modes are perfect.

"Good morning sir, say your id and I'll see if there are any outstanding rewards in your name".

"poor silfa, I see you're still a slave."

The woman remained motionless and expressionless, but there was a small contraction in her eyebrows that denounced her surprise.

"My lord, I wish to know how you discovered my name".

Sant was not a saint who would help everyone without any apparent advantage, so he decided to ignore this issue.

"my id is Sant, please look for my rewards"

For the first time since she was caught, Silfa found herself in conflict, the man in front of her could be the bridge to her freedom that she waited so long for, it has been over three decades since she serves fat nobles and is used as a doll.

"Please tell me, sir, how do you know my name?"

Silfa the attendant, I remember his mission. The daughter of one of the leaders of the elf clan, once reminded of her name she gives you the mission to help her escape and as a reward you gain the affection of the elves, but only that. When the human empire fell, various races hunted and enslaved humans, and the most cruel were the elves.

"Don't mind that Silfa, give me my rewards and I'll leave."

Tears began to descend through Silfa's eyes, she knew that her last hope was going away, but there isn't much she can do, she doesn't know anything about her past other than her name due to the brainwashing of the slavery mark.

"yyy. yes"

She bent over and when she came back she was in possession of a golden ring.

"you have many rewards and because of this you have been granted a storage item, take note that once all the rewards are taken from the ring it will crumble and disappear, you can't keep anything in it either".

She was trembling, her eyes ran like waterfalls, but she was doing her best to maintain her posture.

"Silfa I feel sorry for you so I will help you, but only if you promise to submit to me and serve me".

Of course Sant wasn't sorry for her, he just remembered a certain alchemist who was administering his kingdom at that moment, here in front of him there was a perfect substitute and who certainly wouldn't lie to him.

The woman was in doubt, she would leave a master only to serve another ?, she would deny, but when she remembered the name by which he called her, she was intrigued, and if he had any contact with elves ? and if he was sent here by a relative of hers ?, so she decided to accept.

"I accept your agreement, help me to escape and you will have me as a reward".

[You got the mission: free the slave]

[Quest: Release the slave]

[Rarity: Hidden]

[Info: Silfa can't remember who she is, but she remembers that she has a family and a house so her greatest desire is to stop being a slave and be able to return home]

[Objective: Help Silfa flee the city]

[Reward: Silfa herself]

'the easiest thing about this game is to find quests. If an npc losing a cat and you have a good relationship with him, you will get the quest, but this kind of hidden quest is much harder to get, you need information and also some luck'.

"how do you intend to take me?, surely several guards would prevent you from getting me out of town, I'm still the property of a nobleman."

Sant just smiled and talked to his servant.

"Gerard take her, we'll run"

As commanded by his king, Gerard took the woman and put her on his shoulder, and soon after they both began to run towards the exit. While running several players saw and began to wonder if it was any scenario of the game.

Guards started coming from all sides and intended to arrest the player. The tallest man had an npc on his shoulder, looked like a kidnapping, but the woman was very calm and was not even resisting (although her face was red as an apple).

"Hey, that's the elf of reward giving."

"it's true, I saw her yesterday"

"I think her name was Lili, but she didn't respond well to the players."

There were several guards surrounding the kidnappers, but there were even more curious players, when everyone thought the two surrounded players would be caught. One player took a book from somewhere and a purple energy began to spread towards the players.

A giant magic circle appeared in the sky and an eye seemed to look down, each player and guard knelt unconsciously. The eye stayed there for only 5 seconds and then disappeared.

"What was that?"

"that energy, was that the arcane king?"

"my god is true, post on the forum"

Once again the arcane king became the most talked about topic in the forum, his power able to surrender up to the city guards scared many people, nobody knew how he could have gotten stronger in such a short time, but after watching and resetting several times the video in the forum, all came to the same conclusion.

[Forum: Arcane King is the strongest ?]

Calango fire: my god, now he has a weapon.

Small player: yes, that eye only appeared after he equipped his grimoire.

Lord of wisdom: we are all forgetting the important here, because he kidnapped an npc ?.

Stone warrior: yes, they say she's an elf, does he have a fetish?.

Calango of fire: aaaaaaaaaaaaa, I also want an elf.

Lord of wisdom: I want an elf X2

Marble cube: I want an elf X3
