Political crisis

After everyone introduced themselves they started arguing, Arthur seemed to be a natural leader, since Ricardo and Alexander seemed about to follow his order to attack Sant, another natural leader was Eduardo, Henry and Bertrand were exactly to his left and right, almost like protecting him.

Roland and Willian have similar personalities so they allied, while Cid with his good humor went to Sant and started talking to him, for being a woman none of them dared to mess with Joana, but this also put her in a lonely place.

"I'll say it again, my name is Sant, I'm commonly known as the arcane king, but for now I'm just the leader of a small developing village, and I ask you for your help with the struggle that's to come".

Sant's little speech drew everyone's attention, but few put faith in what he said, Arthur with his little group became more arrogant and as he was about to start complaining, a group of people entered the tent.

Leading was a woman with long purple hair divided into a twintail, she looked 10 years old, her slender body and big eyes charmed everyone who stared at her, behind her was a strong man with black hair dressed in a formal outfit.

Following them were Zayn and Zayna, and a pair of elves chained being pulled by Gerard and Griphine came not too far.

"my lord here are the people you requested".

Gerard saw several other people in the room, but did not question, he knew that his master had an excellent ability to attract people, but it was not the same with the others, because the first thing the child did when putting his eyes on Arthur was.

"Wow that handsome man, I want him"

Following the cue the black-haired man moved on and tried to capture his target, but was stopped by Gerard, the two looked each other in the eye for a few seconds until Gerard heard his master's voice.

"come back Gerard"

Seeing this the child finally looked at the only man sitting in the tent, she seemed to analyze the person in front of her, her tongue unconsciously crossed her lips, and she made a strange expression.

"hm not bad... you're the new arcane king right?"

"Say your name, age, profession and what you wish to find in the kingdom of Arcania'.

Sant was not paying much attention to this girl, because he was almost certain that she was not who she said she was.

The child didn't care and answered normally.

"My name is Liliane Arconata better known as Lilin, I'm from the royal family of Arcania, my profession is a priest, and my age is a secret".

The child turned out to be an incredible speaker, for sure she was older than she looked, then came the man with black hair.

"My name is Albert Crayne, my family is the serving family the royal family, my profession is butler and I am 28 years old".

The two seemed to have a good synergy, the man served the woman without even questioning and the woman seemed to have a strong tendency to command.

"because they don't tell me what they want to find in my young kingdom".

The woman formed a charming smile on her face and spoke as naturally as possible.

"I want to control everything and we will tell the truth, I'm much better suited to this job than you are.

Sant didn't react much, but Gerard and Griphine were surprised by the girl's response. The ten knights stood aside just absorbing information, while the two elves talked in their own language.

"Miss Liliane, I already have a lot of people wanting my kingdom, there's my apprentice, the foreign races and a bunch of jealous players, so, if you want my kingdom, there are only two ways to get it, one is getting in line and waiting and the other is... well, killing me".

Sant did not care about the woman in front of him, for like Merlin, she was too weak to do what she wanted.

"Interesting, but you know, there's a third way for me to become the queen of Arcania".

"Oh yeah?, and what would that be?"

"when the time comes you'll know"

After talking, she took one last look at Arthur and left, as Sant was treating her like an enemy he decided he should invade her privacy.

[Name: Liliane Arconata]

[Age: secret] [level: ??]

[Title: Priest of fertility]

[Class: ??] [Profession: priest]

[Loyalty: 0]

[Name: Albert Crayne]

[Age: 28] [Level: 19]

[Title: First butler]

[Class: ??] [Profession: Butler]

[Loyalty: 0]


'she wasn't lying ?, so who's that inside the coffin in my ring ?'

"Master, I must end the life of the one who puts her power at risk?"

"no Gerard, she is from the royal family, if I kill her now, this will put all the other families against me, and then I will have my power shaken".

Griphine, who wasn't too far away, decided to open his mouth.

"My lord, there are 10 noble families and four have already had their first representatives revived and three families are already on her side, I must say that those who arrive first are usually the leaders of the family or the firstborn".

Hearing this, Sant felt disappointed, because if the current leader of the royal family did not support him, it means that the rest of the family would not support him.

"Don't worry my lord, there are at least three divisions of power within the royal family, Princess Liliane is not the first-born despite being the head of the family, so a group of conservatives do not support her and also has the queen, she disappeared a few years before the fall of the empire and there are still followers who believe that she lives".

Sant's attention was successfully won.

"the queen ?"

"yes, for some reason, the ten most powerful women in the kingdom disappeared at the same time, my mother was one of them, an alchemist master with immense talent".

'I believe I know where they are, I think I'll take a look at the ring again later'.

"My lord, I ask you to release him."

Sant was taken from his thoughtful state by Silfa, she was chained, but knew of his worth, especially after spending that time with the elf by his side.

For some reason Sant's blood flowed faster, his expression became ugly, he held his arms tightly to his chair.

"hm ?, you ask for something ?, don't forget, you're my servant, my slave and I hate disobedient animals".

Sant picked up his grimoire and activated his curse ability, [Blood Curse], instantly the elf fell to the ground and began to struggle in pain, seeing this the knights came forward and placed themselves between Sant and Silfa.