The curse attacks

The woman on the floor began to struggle and scream in pain, her skin turning red and her eyes watering, seeing this, Arthur and the others came to defend the defenseless girl, even knowing what she was.

"your witch, I condemn you to the fire in the name of the god of light!"

Arthur shouted as he stood between the girl and Sant, he seemed to have found a real reason for not wanting to serve Sant, seeing this Bertrand let the one who seemed the strongest in hand-to-hand combat run and raised his fist against Sant.


Sant only spoke his name, and Bertrand was already lying on the ground, with Gerard on him. The woman gradually stopped screaming, she was trembling, but with a firm look she got up.

"I know who I am, and no matter how much pain you make me feel, I will never forget myself again!"

Sant's gaze on Silfa went from anger to disgust.

"Come on Silfa, you're just the daughter of one of the forest elders, just a common elf and dare to raise your voice to talk to me?"

Sant hated with all his might all those who were not human, any being of another race would be the target of Sant's hatred, in his past life he saw the chaos and darkness brought by those who said they were enemies of humanity.

The woman seemed to understand her place and soon bowed her head, but this was not enough to ease Sant's fury. The elf next to her began to float, her neck being compressed by some invisible force, her eyes wide open and full of fear staring at Silfa.

"see, that's what you all deserve"

The more force Sant put into his left hand, the more difficult it was for the elf to breathe, a black energy began to flood the room, and when everyone thought that everything had ended several voices from beyond began to scream.

"Kill him".

"make him become like us"


Sant's eyes were hazy, and he seemed to be being controlled by a force majeure, this continued until a transparent glow covered Sant's entire body.

[Aia's blessing was active]

"damn grimoire."

The elf fell to the ground and began to gasp for air, Silfa seemed worried and went to check as he was, the knights were completely drenched with sweat and could not move, they had never felt such evil energy in their life.

Gerard and Griphine seemed alarmed, but the dark energy could not fully influence them because of Aia's blessing on the territory, such a blessing acted not only on the land, but also on those who live on it.

'shit, I didn't think this old man's curse was so strong, and I haven't even released the first part of the seal yet'.

Sant was staring at the grimoire in his hand, he seemed alarmed by the power it exerted on him, for sure he achieved something powerful, but at the same time dangerous.

"My lord?

Gerard spoke cautiously, but Sant was lost in thought and could not hear, it was only the third time he was called that he returned to reality.

"Griphine go after Liliane and bring her here".

The woman immediately turned and walked quickly, while the tent remained silent, the future knights were afraid, but even with fear there was someone who also had compassion, she bravely faced her fear and approached Sant.

"Are you all right?"

Sant looked in the direction of her voice and there she saw Joana. Those brown eyes seemed to know Sant's ills, but the caution in his voice admitted that fear still existed in his heart.

Seeing this, Sant closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then he made his best effort to form a smile on his face and replied.

"thank you for worrying about me, I'm fine, coff, coff"

Sant put his hand against his mouth and felt a hot liquid sneeze into it, it was his blood, he didn't even know what was going on.

[Effect of the curse activated, stage 01 in progress]

[His body was wounded by an evil spirit, and that is causing him spiritual injuries.]

[Damage: ??]

"Cursed be a priest."


The woman was approaching. Sant hid the bloodstain and raised his opposite arm to stop her.

"Don't worry, I think I'd better take care of the elf deal first."

Thrown to the ground was the male elf and crying over his chest was Silfa.

"I will not apologize to anyone who is not of my race, I hate you of the foreign race and although cruel I know what you do with the captured humans so do not be a victim soldier".

The elf lifted his torso and looked at Sant, his eyes radiated hatred, the mark of something strangling him was still red on his neck.

"I un... understand"

"now this will be what will happen, you will go back to your village and summon the council, I wish to talk to at least three, and then I will make some arrangements with him"

"as you know... advice ?"

"your elders are idiots if they think we humans won't find out about those old trees, bring Elvin, Silfen and Eleonor."

An even greater shock befell the elf when he heard the human in front of him utter elven words so fluently.

"how... you?"

"it doesn't matter, Gerard takes him to the edge of the territory. The woman will stay with me as guarantee, and I also hope that this meeting will take place tomorrow or else I will burn the one who is still asleep.

The elf man began to scream about how a human would know a secret of the elves, but was mercilessly dragged by Gerard, Silfa who saw all this could not understand, despite knowing about his identity, did not remember the customs or traditions of the elves.

"Silfa will help in the collection of fruit".

The woman left as ordered, leaving only Sant and his knights again.

"now how about solving our problem?"

All the knights who were facing Sant hardened, they remembered the woman screaming on the floor and the man floating, and imagined what his fate would be.