Convincing the knights

"Don't be afraid, I'm not the guy who likes to command people with threats."

"Yeah ?, so tell that to the man before!"

Edward fought against his fear and replicated the one who held his life at his fingertips.

"first, that he is not even human, and second, what they do with humans is often worse".

The man seemed in shock, he did not understand, if he was not human what he was ?, in his land there were rumors of humanoid creatures in the forests, but no proof.

"He is an elf, a race that lives in forests and some tribes in mountains. They are astute and use the interests of men to their advantage, but they are not allies. They betray you as soon as they consider you useless".

Sant sat down and did the number three with his right hand fingers and started talking about the races of the great forest.

"Listen, we are in a dangerous place, there are several enemies in the forest, and among them 3 are those who have the power to threaten the human empire".

"The elves themselves and their various tribes. They have a military power similar to humans, but they don't have our numbers, according to legends elf women can only have children when they reach maturity and this takes a long time, in human terms about 100 years".

"Although they are not openly hostile, they constantly plot against their allies."

He reduced the number in his hand to two.

"The next are the Orcs, a barbaric race of enormous military power. One adult orc is equivalent to three adult men. The advantage of humanity is that Orcs are not very social and always end up fighting each other, but when there is a king or lord the situation changes".

"Currently a lord was born and is organizing an attack on human cities so we need warriors as soon as possible. They are considered enemies of all races because they steal food and kidnap women to increase their numbers."

He left only one finger on his hand.

"Lizards, the race of lizard men, these are mostly peaceful as long as no one attacks them, they like to live in swamps and therefore rarely leave their habitat to attack humans or other races".

"Their military power is no weaker than that of humans, some even say that they keep an enormous secret, but no one knows for sure, and their population is considered average".

With his fist closed, he kept talking.

"These are the ones with power to threaten the human race, but there are also smaller races, races like kobolds, goblins and beast-men, these races do not have a leader and so they are scattered, goblins and kobolds acquire a leader when their population reaches a certain number, but they cannot maintain themselves because of their greed and stupidity".

They all seemed thoughtful, in their respective lives they had never heard of such races and so they were doubtful, but they remembered that woman, her ears and beauty and could not help believing in the man.

"But that doesn't mean we have to work for you."

This time it was Roland, the one who kept his mouth shut for a while, who surprised Sant, because he thought he had already hooked them.

"Yes, they don't, but I'll have to say, we are currently in the middle of the forest, if you go out there alone you will die, there is a large population of wolves in this forest, and of course all these other breeds of which I spoke".

Sid the chubby guy would talk, but Sant signalled him to wait and kept talking.

"You don't have to serve me, but I haven't given up on you yet. If you are not knights the only thing I can offer you is a common plebeian position and then you will be the same as you were".

"If you follow me I will give you a teacher and training, of course you will have weapons and the life of a knight, I will not say that there will be no danger, but there will be no lack of glory either. The only thing I ask in return is your loyalty.

Joan was the first to kneel.

"I will follow you, my lord".

And then a white light began to rise over his body, it was Aia's blessing, since they were invoked from a different place they were not considered Arcan residents until they swore allegiance.

After her came Roland, Willian and Cid, a little reluctant but Henry also knelt down. The only one standing were Arthur, Ricardo, Alexander, Eduardo and Bertrand.

"I will never swear allegiance to an unfaithful witch."

Arthur really refused to kneel before Sant and for some reason Ricardo and Alexander supported him.

"I'm a nobleman and so I despise those few things you offered me."

Said Roland with Bertrand by his side.

"and also, it's laughable that a woman should become a knight".

Sant's eyebrows squeezed together, he didn't like the way Roland despised Joana because of her gender.

"Very well, you have decided your way and so I dismiss you, go out and die as useless".

The five of them turned and were leaving, but when they arrived at the place of exit of the tent they were barred by two people, both wore a silver armor of full body and had a red cloak on their backs. On their chest and cloak there was the symbol of a sword in a circle similar to that of the coffin seen by Sant.

The silver helmet with a red line on the left eye looked rustic, and its wide shoulders gave them a frightening grandeur, in the end the fingers had claws, and each one had a horn growing on his forehead.

The eyes behind the helmet of the two were red in color and looked coldly at Roland, his long sword at the waist was the sample symbolizing that with one thought he would lose his life.

"how so women can't become knights?"