The Targaryens have a history of madness, and no one knows it better than Aelor, second son of the Mad King. Amidst his father´s erratic and destructive behavior and his elder brother´s decision to run off with a girl who wasn´t his wife, it will take every ounce of his Targaryen charm and skill at arms to save the greatest dynasty in Westeros...and that still might not be enough.
literally copy word for word from The Dragon of Duskendale in Fanfiction dot net The novel there is already complete so don't bother reading here
Copy of the novel « the dragon of duskendal ». exactly the same it’s a shame....... BxhebdhzbdhbzhbhdbbddeybhxebhdbhebdhedbeybdhdbzjbdzjJjjnjnjnhbhbxeibdhedbhizbhzdbhizsbxzhbzcbqhcdbqhibchdbihdzgzefihgdiudzhiuzefhjifehzfjidf
One of the best GoT fanfics I have ever read, the writing quality and story development are amazing with good lengthy chapters and good variety of new characters with development.
Is the best fanfic I have ever read for GoT. If you like sword and war this is the fanfic fot you. From the first chapter is super interesting. Thaks...........................................................................................................
This is a repost of dragon of duskendale idk if its the same author or not but since the original story is finished and this story is getting "updated" I'm pretty sure its not the same author.
pieces of human trash who copy other peoples work for attention should really consider what they are doing. the same thing happened with 'the spider' on fanfiction. some no gooder faggot posted his work on this sight and he stopped writing. imagine someone copying your hard written work and posting it without your permission saying its yours. **** you
This novel is stolen from It is originally named The Dragon of Duskendale written by Kerjack. This novel on novelsupdates is literally just copy and pasted from fanficiton. Dont bother reading this or giving it a good review, go read it on fanfiction and support the actual author.
I remember ever read this fanfic before in other site.. And already have a dozen more chapters ................. ....... .. .....
As a pirate I don't give a damn if this novel is stolen from somewhere, I'm rating the novel itself and it is bloody brilliant. It is a true and proper asoiaf fanfic, and one of the better books I've ever read. It's a proper story from start to finish, dare I say comparable to Martin's works. Must read.
Great story a must read if you love he show!!!!!! keep up he good work !!!!!!!! I like the twists and turns in the plot !!!!!!!! I wish some of he old charters would have had a bigger role in the story Thanks!!!!
I’m suprised this doesn’t have more reviews because it is one of the most quality novels I have read on this site. Most novels focus to much on sex and how bad ass the main character is this one actually attempts to tell a story. The information is accurate and even if it’s not the author is so good a bull ****ting it might as well be ———————————————— xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxccxxccxxxxcxdddddddxccccccccxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxccddddddddsxxddddssssxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This Is The Best GoT Fanfics I've Ever Read And Trust Me I've Read Plenty, The Character Dynamic And Development Is Amazing, Please Please Please Don't Drop This Book, Keep Up The Pressure.
This is a very good fan-fic, however its author is writing it at where its called the Dragon of Duskendale. It does say in the synopsis that this is not the original fanfic, but it doesn't actually credit the author. Just a FYI
An exeptional well writght and build fanfic of GOT , think about if the targaryans won Robert's revolt The changing happens with an additional brother for Dany
Bom trabalho ótimo fanftion Ggģģggģgggģgggģgggggghhhghhckirtjnvdeuiknbcdsruikvctujnfsqeiopuhvdruikknnmnuhhhhhhffyvcbnkkjhgredcxzzxv nmklout42iteso8642pkjg