
A few hours have passed since Yang Jia was thrown into the woods.

Yang Jia felt this forest somewhat familiar, but she couldn't say, it's been a long time since she's been to a forest

She tried to recall where she has seen this forest, but the way her state in mind was right now didn't allowed her.

Yang Jia didn't have much to eat before she arrived to Beijing, so she was very hungry. Her eyesight was failing her and couldn't walk straight.

When she walked through the trees, there were branches sticking out and scratching her.

But Yang Jia didn't felt any pain. She could only feel Zhang Wei's slap lingering on her cheek.

Yang Jia kept walking and walking until her legs couldn't take it anymore. Her eyesight was blurry. She could feel losing consciousness.

Suddenly her legs stopped and dropped to the ground.

Yang Jia didn't know how it happened, but now she found herself laying on the ground. Out of nowhere, her whole world turned pitch black.

'Is this my fate?' she thought

Right then and there, she fainted.


Yang Jia slowly opened her eyes and found her self in a familiar cave.

She could feel something soft and heavy sitting on her thighs.

She looked down and didn't dared to move.

'Oh God I'm dead! I thought I already died. Please kill me in a different way, but not as a tiger's dinner' Yang Jia was praying for her life

It seemed like the big white fur ball sensed Yang Jia's fear, so he slowly looked up.

Yang Jia didn't dared to look at the scary white tiger. She could feel him staring at her intently, but somehow it gave her a sense of security.

She decided to try out her luck and looked at the white tiger in the eyes.

He had dark blue eyes filled with... warmth?

Somehow this white tiger gave her a sense of familiarity especially in the eyes, as if she had met this tiger before.

There was no trace of bloodlust or hunger in his eyes, it was more like there was gentleness and anger at the same time.

But he didn't seem to be angry at her, is more like he was angry at the person that did this to her.

All of the sudden he started jumping up and down and started running in circles as if he already found his owner.

Yang Jia squinted her eyes and then they widened

She recalled something from her past.

She was 14 years old when it happened

One day she was walking on the forest near a pond when she started hearing whimpers.

She followed the noise and saw a small white tiger cub drowning.

Yang Jia without hesitation jumped to save the white tiger cub.

Even though the pond was deep, she was still able save the little fur ball.

She looked around the forest to see if he recognized his home or if there were any signs of a mother white tiger, but there wasn't.

Yang Jia put down the white tiger cub down to let it roam by himself.

The little fur ball started walking thinking that the girl would follow him, but then he heard her soft voice "Goodbye little cub, I hope you find your home" with a hint of disappointment and walked away.

In that instant the cub panicked and started following her, his eyesight staring directly at her back, afraid that if he closes his eyes for just a second she would disappear.

Yang Jia was walking for a while until she stopped in front of a cave to rest and hide from the sun for a while.

As soon as she sat down the white tiger cub jumped onto her lap.

She was surprised that the little white fur ball was following her for half an hour.

"Why did you follow me? You were supposed to find your home?" she asked in a gentle manner afraid of getting into this little white cub's bad side.

The small little white cub stared at her eyes as if saying 'Wherever you are is my home'

He seemed reluctant to leave her

Yang Jia stared at his cute dark blue eyes and sighed. How could she resist those cute eyes.

She knew that taking a cub as a pet... wait, she didn't like the word 'pet' it made it seem as though she was taking the little fur ball as her slave, she didn't like that.

They shouldn't be called pets because that is not what they were. If you were to keep an animal, it is because that animal is your companion, your best friend.

Yang Jia never had any friends, so if she we're to keep a friend she would cherish it forever.

Back to the story. Yang Jia knew she couldn't keep the little fur ball as a companion because why... he's a freaking white tiger. Of course her parents will say no.

She thought about it for a second and said to the white tiger cub "Okay, let's make a deal. I can't take you to my home" She paused

When the white fur ball heard this his eyes started to tear and started whimpering. He seemed to understand her.

"But" she interrupted his whimpering. The little cub stared at her again as if he still had a glimmer of hope. "You can stay in the forest and every day from now on I will come visit you in this cave. We can call this cave 'The Tiger's Den' and it will be our home. Is that okay with you?" She asked.

The little cub's eyes glistened and started jumping up and down and then started running in circles with excitement.

Yang Jia giggled "I'll take that a yes" she paused "Now we need a name for you"

The little fur ball stopped with his actions and stared at her with anticipation

Yang Jia thought about it for a second "How about Duke?" she looked at him "Is that okay with you?" she asked

The little white one started wagging his tail faster as if he approved of the name.

"Okay than Duke it is"

Time passed, Yang Jia and Duke were inseparable. They were best friends.

When something happened Duke would always protect her.

The Tiger's Den was decorated with pictures of both of them. There was a rug for Duke to lay in and a small couch for Yang Jia to rest. There was also a rechargeable fridge where they kept Duke's food and a cabinet where they kept Yang Jia snacks as well as a table to lay the fruits on.

Time passed and Yang Jia turned 15. Unfortunately the Yang family had to travel to the city of Beijing and she had to say goodbye to Duke for now.

At first he was reluctant to see her leave, but he made her promise that one day she'll come back and this time they would be together and be best friends for an entire lifetime.

Yang Jia took a picture of Duke as a cub, so she could see him everyday. He was still a cub now, but a few tons bigger.

Yang Jia was disappointed that she couldn't get to witness him grow, but she was determined to come back to him soon.

After Yang Jia left Duke was depressed almost every single day. All he did was hunt for food and search for Yang Jia with the hopes that she'll come.

Everytime he came back with disappointment. He would just lay down on he's rug and stare at the photo of Yang Jia and him for hours and in the next day everything repeated again.