Don't leave me alone ever again

The years passed and every day that passed seemed like an eternity.

Duke became more aggressive as time passed.

There were very few people that visited this forest, but none of them came out alive.

Every single time he saw a stranger, he will not hesitate to rip him/her to pieces. There was only one man that came out alive from the forest.

Duke knew that man very well, so he was the only exception that could enter and leave from the forest.

he always payed close attention to that man. Other than Yang Jia, he was the only one who could get close to him, but who was that man?... Well, we'll find out soon.

Up to right now, Duke never gave up on finding her.

One day, Duke was doing he's usual routine. Hunting for food and searching for Yang Jia.

It was already dark an it started raining. Duke was already planning on going back to the 'Tiger's Den' when he found a slim body laying on the floor.

He was curious and got a closer look, he could tell that the body was a female.

The closer he got to her face the more she looked familiar, but he couldn't tell where he has seen her before because of the mud covering her face. He started sniffing her, even though her odor was mixed with the smell of mud, grass, and water from the rain, her fragrance was still there.

Duke's eyes lit 'that smell, it's exactly like hers'

With just one hint of odor coming from that body, he instantly knew who she was. He knew perfectly well that fragrance.

Happiness started flooding into Duke. He hadn't felt like this since she left.

It was just for a second... that is when he noticed the she was unconscious. He started to panic and was trying to wake her up, but it was useless.

The rain started pouring harder and the thunder got louder and louder. He didn't know how long she was laying there, but knew if she stayed here any second longer, she will get a cold.

Duke bent over and somehow managed to pick her and put her on his back. He took her to the 'Tiger's Den' and put her on the rug. He noticed that she started shivering because of the cold. There were no blankets at all, so he decided to lay on her thighs and give her warmth. She stopped shivering because of it.

It's been a long time that he felt relieved and peaceful, though slightly worried because right now she was unconscious.

His best friend came back and that is the only thing he could ever wish for.

Back to the present, All of her memories started flooding one by one. She looked at the big white tiger and her eyes widened of realization "Duke?"

Duke stopped with his actions and looked at her straight in the eyes, he was really happy that she was able to recognize him, he was not gonna lie he was really scared that she wouldn't be able to recognize him, but now he was relieved.

"Is that you?" she said, before waiting for any signs of agreement she moved as fast as lightning and gave him a big tight hug. She buried her swollen face deeper into his soft fur.

Duke could feel something wet from the spot her face was buried in, he could tell she was crying which made him really angry. He swore to tear to pieces the person who made her cry.

" Sob, sob, I missed you so much, I wish I could've come earlier, I wanted to witness you grow. You are the only one who I can trust with my entire heart" she said between her sobs.

Duke started whimpering as it saying that he missed her too.

Yang Jia pushed back from his embrace and stared at Duke's dark blue eyes.

There was longing in his eyes and it seemed that he was telling her 'Don't leave me alone ever again'

She read his mind, she pulled him back to her embrace and told him "No, never, I will never do it again, I promise"

They both waited for the rain to stop and get some food. Duke went to hunt for fish and she cooked it. "Duke don't eat it raw, it taste so much better cooked, here" she handed him a cooked fish.

Duke ate all in one whole, his eyes glistened when he tasted it. It was true, food tasted so much better whenever is cooked or was it because she was cooking it? Eather way it tasted great. He looked at her as if saying that he wanted more.

Yang Jia giggled and said "Don't worry there is a lot more fish"

Yang Jia decided to stay at the forest for a little while before leaving, she knew that Zhang Wei's man were still outside the forest making sure that she would not be able to escape and plus she wanted to spend more time with Duke.

She needed to make a plan ASAP if she wanted to escape with a big white tiger unnoticed.


At a restaurant

Liang Guozhi sat there without any emotions and right in front of him was a girl. She was babbling about things which made him even more irritated.

His parents have been pestering him on having a girlfriend and that they already wanted grandchildren, but because he is not doing anything about it they decided to send him into a blind date and now he is stuck in this situation.

The more the girl talked the more he found her annoying. Not even three minutes into the date and he suddenly stand up and said "This is over" and like that he walked away.

The girl was dumbstruck and didn't have time to react, by the time she came back to her senses the man had already left.

In the car, Liang Guozhi's phone started ringing. It was his assistant, Zhou Bolin, he answered the call. "Young Master we need you to sign some documents that need to be signed urgently"

"Okay I'll be there"

He arrived to the office to finish everything that needed to be done.

Since when did he started to be like this? He always used to be cheery and bright when he was a teenager now he's cold and distant.

Everything changed when that little girl from the forest left.

When he was younger, His home was close to a forest, because curiosity got to him, he went inside the forest. To his suprise, he wasn't the only one at the forest. There was a girl three to four years younger than him. She had a white tiger cub as her best friend.

The first time they met the white tiger almost attacked him, he probably thought he was a kidnapper or an intruder. He noticed that this tiger was really overprotective of the little girl, even though it was still a little cub at that time.

Days passed and they became good friends, the tiger wasn't as wary as he used to be and always allowed him to talk to the girl.

One day, he couldn't go to the forest because of family issues, he didn't know that that day was the last time he would see her. The next day he went to the cave to go see her because it was her birthday, but instead of finding her, he found a letter, it said.

'Dear, Handsome Big Brother

I'm sorry to say that today I'll be leaving from my home, I just want to tell you that I will miss you. Please do me a favor and take care of Duke for me. I promise I will come back.

P.S. Don't get close to any girls because you're mine'

Since then he started missing her. Every now and then he will come back to the forest to clean the 'Tiger's Den' and leave some food for Duke. He will also change the rotten fruis into fresh ones, even though nobody ate them.

Days passed and he started missing her terribly, that's when he found out that he actually fell deeply in love with this girl. All the way up to now he has kept the letter as his hidden treasure.

He always went to the forest hoping that one day he'll find her.

"Xiao Jia" he whispered