Starlet Media Origin

Liang Guozhi and Yang Jia soon arrived at Starlet Media.

Liang Guozhi stopped one block away from Starlet Media because he knew that Yang Jia wouldn't want to start any rumours between them.

Yang Jia smiled at how considerate he was and got off the car and thanked him before she closed the door.

She went inside the skyscraper building.

This skyscraper building is Starlet Media and is the second tallest building in the country. But this skyscraper is not only Starlet Meadia, it is also Liang Corporation.

There are fifty floors. Twenty-five floors involve Starlet Media and the other twenty-five floors involve the business company, Liang Corporation.

The reason why it is like is now is because back then; Liang Guozhi's father, Liang Boqin was only running a business company until Liang Guozhi took over. At first, Liang Guozhi was only going to be the CEO of Liang Corporation, but when he met Yang Jia; he created Starlet Media three years ago.

When they were in the forest, Yang Jia told Liang Guozhi that she wanted to be an actress when she grew up. Liang Guozhi encouraged her to work hard to achieve her dreams. At the time that Yang Jia left, Liang Guozhi started getting more involved in Liang Corporation's matters. That's the reason why he didn't got to say goodbye to her the day she left.

When Yang Jia left, she left a note for Liang Guozhi reassuring him that she would soon come back. With that reassurance in mind Liang Guozhi waited. Liang Guozhi took over the company at the age of nine-teen. After taking over the company, his work became hectic and after a few months it became stable; and the business began running smoothly. Liang Guozhi even surpassed his father and led Liang Corporation to new heights. After that, he searched every single detail about the Entertainment Industry to see what Yang Jia was getting herself into. That's when he learned that the Entertainment Industry is not what it looks like behind closed doors.

He learned that there many underhand deeds happening in the Entertainment Industry like actresses sleeping with directors just to get what they wanted. And the actresses that are naive and don't know what the industry is like, are schemed against. And those actresses can't even do anything about it because those who are powerful, they can't afford to offend.

Liang Guozhi couldn't allow Yang Jia enter that dirty industry just to see her suffer, but he also couldn't crush her dreams of being an actress. He could feel how excited she was when she told him how much she wanted to act in a movie or a TV show.

He was in a dilemma, he didn't know what to do until he came up with an idea. Liang Guozhi decided to create an Entertainment Company, so when Yang Jia came back; she could achieve her dreams while under his protection.

Fortunately, everything went according to plan; Kind of.

Before Yang Jia joined, the one running Starlet Media wasn't Liang Guozhi. It was his best friend, Lu Changing. After Yang Jia joined the company, Liang Guozhi took over the CEO seat in Starlet Media and Lu Changing became the president/second in command. Lu Changing didn't know why his best friend decided to get involved in Starlet Media matters, but he for sure; would've puked blood if he knew that reason was because Liang Guozhi wanted to keep track of Yang Jia's schedule and work in order for him to always be there, when she needed his help.

Now back to the story. The receptionist greeted Yang Jia with a warm welcome and gave her, her ID card. Everyone who works in this company has an ID card that allow them to freely travel around the skyscraper without them being stopped by bodyguards. There are four types of ID's.

The first one is the most important. That ID allows them to enter the Starlet Media's floors and Liang Corporation's floors, as well as the private rooms that nobody else are allowed to enter. This ID belongs to the CEO, Liang Guonzhi. He has the ID with him at all times, he doesn't get it from the receptionist like others do.

The second ID card belongs to the President, Lu Changing. This ID card allows him to enter Starlet Media's floors and Liang Corporation's floors. He also keeps his ID card with him at all times.

The third ID allows employees under Liang Corporation to only enter Liang Corporation's floor and the fourth ID card allows employees under Starlet Media to only enter Starlet Media's floors. This ID card is the one that Yang Jia has.

Yang Jia directly went to Manager Lee's office floor. She knocked on the door and Feng Lee opened the door.

Feng Lee's face britghend when she saw it was Yang Jia at the other end of the door. She gave her a hug and welcomed her in.

Yang Jia could tell that Feng Lee had really good news to tell her.

"What is Sister Lee? You seem like you want to tell me something" Yang Jia said

"Well" Feng Lee said while she sat on the sofa and gesture Yang Jia to seat on the couch opposite from her.

When Yang Jia sat down, Feng Lee started saying "The trailers of The Beginning of Summer came out and the fans want know who is the actress that could bring Lea to life... I talked with Glamm Magazine and they want to interview you about the role of Lea. What do you think?

Yang Jia was surprised "Wow, I'm so surprised. Isn't usually the main protagonist actors, in this case Bai Nia and Fang Moyan that promote the movies during interviews?"

"Yeah, but they're making an exception just for you. So? Are you going to do it?" Feng Lee asked

"Of course" Yang Jia answered excitedly

"Great... the interview is next week at six in the evening. This is the address" Feng Lee gives her a paper with the address of the company of Glamm Magazine.

Yang Jia takes the paper and places it inside her purse. She looks back at Feng Lee and ask "Is there anything else?"