Why don't you set that goal again?

Yang Jia observed Tang Xiu Ying's expression as she continued "My father threatened me with my mom's life. It was eather I become Tang Jue's and her mother's slave or my mother dies...

I had no other option, I had to stay and obey like a dog... It's been two years since then"

Tang Xiu Ying sighed dejectedly. "I was forced to become Tang Jue's assistant. The last past two years, she's been trying to scheme against me, but every time there some kind of interruption that makes her plan fail. Unfortunately, today that did not happened"

"Today? What happened to you today?" Yang Jia asked with a rushed shaky voice. She now understood and had an uneasy feeling. Many kind of scenarios played in her mind.

Tang Xiu Ying saw Yang Jia's expression and knew what she was thinking about. She continued "Today, Tang Jue came to me early morning to tell me to dress nice because we were meeting a businessman. At that moment I knew she was planning something, but I had to go even if I didn't want to...

I don't know the businessman's name, but Tang Jue called him Mr.Chen" Tang Xiu Ying shivered as she recalled that unpleasant dinner.

"I avoided drinking wine, but little did I know that Tang Jue added some kind of drug into my water." Tang Xiu Ying said

"Did you?" Yang Jia tried to ask what was on her mind, but her trembling voice prevented her from doing so.

"No, Thank God I didnt" Tang Xiu Ying answered knowing well what Yang Jia wanted to ask.

Her answer confused Yang Jia because she could clearly see a few hickeys planted on her neck. "But?" she couldn't help, but ask.

Tang Xiu Ying ignored Yang Jia's question and kept going on with the story. "After I drinked the water, I started to feel heat all over my body and felt so uncomfortable. That's when I concluded that Tang Jue drugged my drink...

The first thing I did was to go a restroom to find a way to stop this uncomfortable feeling inside of me. I felt weak and my gaze was starting to blur. I didn't even noticed I walked into the the man's bathroom...

A man soon entered the bathroom and was kind enough to bring me to a room, so he can call a doctor to give me a sedative to stop this drug. But apparently, the drug that I consumed was a special type a drug. If I didn't have a sexual intercourse with someone than the drug would've killed me. The man decided to help me and w-well you al-already know the r-rest" Tang Xiu Ying blushed and wasn't willing to explain the rest of the story.

Yang Jia stayed quiet. How could someone have that kind of life? She wasn't surprised that her sister tried to kill her, but it did piss her off that she almost got what she wanted.

"Do you really mean it when you said you want to help me" Tang Xiu Ying suddenly asked.

Seeing that Yang Jia still hadn't answered, she lowered her in disappointment 'Of course she wouldn't. Who would want to help her after knowing how corrupted her life is'

Yang Jia didn't listen to Tang Xiu Ying's question because she was contemplating until her eyes brightened.

She suddenly said "Tang Xiu Ying, do you want to live a life? Remember that goal that you created for yourself. Why don't you set that goal again?"

Yang Jia looked at Tang Xiu Ying, who was startled by her words. She looked at Yang Jia with a doubted look.

Yang Jia gave her a confident smile and said "This is going to be different because... I'm going to help you"

All the worries that Tang Xiu Ying had, fled away that instant. Yang Jia's words rang through her ears and for the first time she felt... at ease.

As if the next obstacles that are thrown her way won't stop her from saving her mother and living her life.

"So?... Yes?" Yang Jia asked

Tang Xiu Ying smiled for the first time in a long time and nodded her head "Yes, I will really love that"

"Okay, before we start talking seriously... Please don't mind if I ask, but... was the man handsome?" Yang Jia looked at her with her gossipy face

Tang Xiu Ying laughed "Very handsome. If I see him again, I might pounce on him even if I wasn't under a drug influence" she said honestly

Tang Xiu Ying's giggling face turned into a surprised one, It was not in her character to joke round like that. Tang Xiu Ying smiled inwardly and thought 'This feels nice'

Yang Jia laughed with her "Than you have no regrets at all. It doesn't matter if you sleep with a stranger as long as that stranger has a handsome face and a built body" Yang Jia stated

Tang Xiu Ying laughed at her statement and agreed "So true"

They both laughed wholeheartedly and it took them a few minutes for them to go back to their usual selves.

Yang Jia said in all seriousness "Now, did Tang Jue called you after the incident?"

Tang Xiu Ying nodded and answered "Yes, I was contemplating on whether I should answer her or not when I bumped into you"

Yang Jia nodded "That's good... Do not answer her right now. Let her think that you died or that something happened to you. This is good chance for me use this time and search for your mother. When I find her, you will reunite with her and escape the Tang family's evil clutches" she explained

Tang Xiu Ying didn't know what to say. She felt really grateful to have met someone like Yang Jia in this life.

"Now that you won't be going to the Tang family, you need a home" Yang Jia said as she took out fifty thousand yuan and passed it toward her.

"No... I-I can't take this. Is too much" Tang Xiu Ying refused the money.

"Please take it. Later I'm going to get you a home and this is to pay for the house supplies" Yang Jia said

Tang Xiu Ying rejected "No, I feel like I've taken a mile while given an inch. I don't want to take advantage of you"

Yang Jia laughed and assured her "You're not, trust me I'm just like you. I don't have a home yet I'm living in a friend's villa and treating it as my own. Compared to that, this is nothing... for the last time take it" Yang Jia said it as an order this time.

Tang Xiu Ying reluctantly agreed and took the money.