She must compensate me

Yang Jia and Tang Xiu Ying stayed at the cafe for a while longer and talked about each other. Yang Jia contemplated before she said without thinking "You know, listening to your story of your past makes me realize that mine is not so bad"

Yang Jia's eyes widened after she finished saying her sentence and immediately began explaining, hoping that Tang Xiu Ying wouldn't misunderstand "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound offending. I was just trying to say"

Tang Xiu Ying smiled and understood Yang Jia's meaning "Don't worry, I get it"

"Listening to the tone you had while you said those words, I'm going to guess you've also been through some rough times" Tang Xiu Ying said

Yang Jia nodded and started "At the age of fifthteen my parents passed away in a car accident. In that accident I had a concussion and because of that I can't remember nothing about my childhood or my moments with my parents...

I forgot my best friend and forgot those people that stayed close to me back then. My grandparents took care of me after my parents passed away. Soon after that, I learned that I was engaged to a heir...

He and I got closer as days passed by... Or so I thought, but not to the point of having intimate contact. Time flew by and my feelings grew... I also graduated from Performing Arts Academy because my wish was to become an actress and NOT because of the fame, trust me...

I didn't directly went to Performing Arts Academy. I had online classes because at that time I was eighteen and was casted to a role for movie...

Two years has passed since then. We just completed the film three months ago and I came back. While filming the movie, my grandmother passed away and I couldn't even say goodbye to her. At the time since I was filming the movie I was ready to tell my ex fiancé that I loved him...

I came back super excited to jump into his arms, but instead I found him in bed with another woman. Now that I remember it, I just want to erase him from my mind...

I want to forget the fact that I fell in "love" with a scumbag like him" As Yang Jia said love, she raised her hands and gestured the finger quotes.

"Those are probably the most shameful moments that I had, the ones where I was with that... ugh I can't even find other names to call him because I already used all of them..." Yang Jia said

Tang Xiu Ying laughed at Yang Jia's last remark before she went back to normal and stated "You don't seem that affected about the cheating fiancé. Instead I see your eyes full of sorrow when you talk about your parents and your lost memories"

Yang Jia sighed dejectedly "Yeah, because I can feel that those memories were really precious. I forgot the day I met my best friend" 'And the day I met him' She thought inwardly not willing to share that sentence

"I forgot the moments with my parents... Right now is just my grandfather and me"

Tang Xiu Ying joked, trying to ease the atmosphere that turned a little glummy "What a coincidence, We both have a pretty crappy past"

Yang Jia laughed at her joke and agreed "Yeah, you're right"

Soon enough the atmosphere lighten up. It was getting pretty dark, so they decided to leave the Resort.

As they were leaving, they heard angry voice.

"You! Over there!" The one who shouted didn't even care that he just screamed which caused the attention of many people.

Yang Jia didn't recognize the voice, but Tang Xiu Ying did. Her heart trembled fearfully as Yang Jia turned around to see who was the one that started a ruckus. Tang Xiu Ying just wanted to ignore it, but Yang Jia already turned around, so she had to turn as well.

Yang Jia turned around only to see a bald middle aged man with a big belly wearing a bathrobe. Yes, this was none other than Mr.Chen.

People started criticizing his personality and appearance. Who on earth would just appear in a high end resort with just a bathrobe and create a big scene in the middle of a lobby?

Mr.Chen was getting closer toward Tang Xiu Ying and Yang Jia.

He was just a feet away and Yang Jia could already smell his malodorous scent. It made her want to gag.

"You girl, I was looking for you, where were you?" Mr.Chen said to Tang Xiu Ying without caring that other people were looking at him with a disgusted look. The people that were witnessing these scene felt pity for Tang Xiu Ying and Yang Jia, but they couldn't do anything because Mr.Chen was a powerful figure. No one dared to mess with him.

"Sir, stop right there" Yang Jia said with a voice of authority making Mr.Chen stop

This whole entire time Mr.Chen's attention was on Tang Xiu Ying, but when he turned to see the person that interrupted him, he was in awe.

Yang Jia looked so beautiful that it instantly made him want her. His eyes turned dark, full of lust.

Both Yang Jia and Tang Xiu Ying noticed his expression and Tang Xiu Ying was terrified that something would happen to Yang Jia. On the other hand, Yang Jia was composed. But she felt disgusted inwardly.

Mr.Chen smirked and glanced Yang Jia up and down. Unfortunately, there was not much skin exposed for his eyes to feast on. He said "Little girl, this friend of yours was supposed to be with me in my suite a few hours ago. Because she disobeyed she must compensate me"

Yang Jia crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes "Compensate huh? What do you want for compensation?" Yang Jia asked disdainfully

Mr.Chen smirked inwardly not noticing the tone of disdain in Yang Jia's question "If you're willing. Why don't you compensate me in her stead?" he asked

"Sure" Yang Jia said

Tang Xiu Ying's eyes widened in horror. She was about to say something, but she noticed Yang Jia's assurance gaze. After that, she calmed down.

The onlookers gossiped "Poor girl, she had no other choice but to agree"

"Yeah, I wouldn't want to be in their position"

"No, I think the prettiest girl doesn't have to do anything about it. It think the one who needs to compensate is the other one"

Mr.Chen smiled and was about to grab her arm to lead her towards his suite when a delicate hand grabbed his wrist.

Mr.Chen screamed in pain as he felt his wrist and fingers being pushed backwards. Even the onlookers flinched at these scene and started massaging their wrist as if they were feeling the pain.

Yang Jia held Mr.Chen's wrist and used a little force to push back his fingers, almost making it break.

She held his hand in that position as she heard him plead to her to stop it. Yang Jia smiled and said slowly making sure Mr.Chen heard clearly "This is my compensation for you"

She pushed his fingers back until she heard the sounds of bones breaking.

Yang Jia released him quickly making Mr.Chen fall into his knees as he screamed in pain. He looked up at Yang Jia and warned "You don't know what you got yourself into"

Yang Jia chuckled and said "No... Mr.Chen, YOU don't know what you got yourself into"

Yang Jia grabbed a wipe from her bag and wiped her hand that touched that disgusting man's wrist.