
March, 23, 2030

BBC World News Broadcast

Location London, UK

"As the world still recovers from World War 3, scientists have made a gruesome discovery," stated the news reporter in an uneasy tone "Due to the rise of STDs back in 2018 combined with radiation from the nuclear bombs, the majority of the human worldwide population is infertile. According to research 19 out of 20 the remaining 6 billion people have become sterile. We have Dr. Zhu Hanying too elaborate on the situation." said the news reporter as the broadcast cut to a laboratory. "Thank you for having me. So due to STDs such as "PID", "gonorrhea", and "chlamydia" combined with tumors and cancers cells, in the reproductive system, caused by the radiation from nuclear strikes, leaves us with only three hundred million individuals still able to reproduce." stated Dr. Hanying. "Is there any way to fix this?" asked the news reporter "There is currently me and my colleagues Dr. Deleiah Blake, Congressman Gabriel Phoenix, Prime Minister Kazantseva Artemievna, and Dr. Petros Yessuf are trying the get the UN to pass the Fertility Act." "Care to elaborate?" "Sure, as I stated before there are still three hundred million people still eligible to reproduce. This act will allow us to place the fertiles in facilities to protect them from outside threats, with different matches and planned pregnancies hopefully we can keep our species from extinction."

End of Broadcast

15 years later....