Chapter 1

May, 25, 2045

North America Fertility Center

Location Alaska, US

As I woke up to begin my day I noticed my roommate was panicking "-AXX1-9 what's the matter?" she then turned around and before she could say anything I cut her off. "Go to the bathroom, clean up, and put the dirty clothes in the tub I'll swap our sheets inspection is coming in ten minutes hurry!" I quietly shouted. When the inspection came a nurse along with an officer checked our rooms they stopped at my bed "Care to explain?" asked the officer pointing to the huge stain of blood on the sheets. "Yes it's that time of the month." I lied in my calmest tone as the officer takes a sample "What is your identification?" "+BXX30-10" "You sure these are your sheets because you know the penalty for lying to an officer and a nurse is ten slaps plus five kicks right?" whispers the officer. Before I could say anything my roommate spoke "Those are my sheets." "Thought so, what's your identification?" asked the officer in an arrogant tone "-AXX1-9". The nurse types up her code then shows the officer "I see now well welcome to womanhood." she said to my roomate in a though-love tone "Well Nurse Evelyn you know the drill I'm gonna head back to the courtyard see you later." the officer says as she walks down the hall of our dorm. "Sorry about Officer Jezebel she is new and just transferred from out there," said the nurse in an apologetic tone as we remained silent "Right here is the guide book and some green cloths for today you should be getting some more soon so have a nice day." she says as she handed some pads, a green skirt, and a green scarf along with a book with the title "Welcome to Womanhood". She then gave us our daily medication and left our room.

"Why did you do that?" I asked -AXX1-9 frustrated "They were going to beat you," she said "-AXX1-9 I don't care I've been slapped in the face and kicked in the gut so many times it doesn't hurt anymore I wanted you to still enjoy being a kid for a little longer." I said "I still don't understand why you tried to hide this from them it's not that big a deal," she says like she doesn't care "Exactly you don't understand they now know you are biologically capable to bear children, your twelve still a child, now on fridays just like me you'll be put up for auction." I explained to her. "+BXX30-10 you are eighteen and nobody has picked you yet so I don't think I'll get pregnant for at least a few more years besides I think I'm ready to add green to my wardrobe I'll be fine." she said in a reassuring tone. Wow, she really has no idea, just like me when I had my first the only difference is that I was fourteen I just hope she can handle it better than I did.

Well the past is in the past at least that's what +ABXX23-3 use to say, time to get ready for the day. As I put on my stocking on I hear a voice on the intercom "Good morning everyone as soon as you are dressed please report to the courtyard barrier attendance is mandatory." After putting on my green skirt, white blouse, blue jacket, brown boots, and white bonnet along I headed to the barrier. When I got to the courtyard I saw all colors of uniforms from the purple of supervisors to the blue and white of children. On the other side of the 5 inch glass wall I saw all the males were out on the courtyard to this can only mean one thing something big was about to go down.

On the glass wall I saw the projection of four familiar people. Dressed in there purple and gold it was Head Supervisors Helen and Henry along with them in there navy and gold uniforms Head Officers Sara and Samuel. "Good morning everyone, we apologize for the inconvenience don't worry you will all be able to resume your duties afterwards but this matter is urgent." said H.S. Helen "You should to know that we try our best to protect you from the poison of the world outside these walls for you just like the other camps are humanities hope." said H.O. Sara "Unfortunately we can't prevent all poisons entering, especially when that poison is one of us," stated H.O. Samuel as officers drag a man with a bag over his head on our side and a woman with a bag on the male side. "This doctor and officer have performed the act of rape and murder the victims was a fertile female and a little boy the penalty is death." said H.S. Henry "When you hear the buzzing do as you wish to these mortal sinners once the buzzing stops you stop understood?" said H.O. Sara "Yes" everyone responded. When the buzzing started I stayed in my seat and saw on both sides that everyone thore those monsters to shreds. While I do believe in justice I don't think we should stoop to their level, and when the buzzing stopped I was one of the few who didn't have blood on their clothes.

Everyone went on there usual business, except that school was cancelled for today which was fine by me because after seeing that bloodbath I was not in the mood to be scolded at for not sitting up straight in etiquette class. As I walk down the barrier the seperates males and females a certain someone on the other side catches my eye. His name is -OXY16-8 we had been best friends since we were ten. Since the glass is thick sound can't pass through so in order to communicate we write and show each other it's bittersweet though because even though we can 'talk' to each other I've never heard his voice or held his hand. After hours of 'talking' about what the hell happened along with some other stuff nightfall hits and we said goodbye. I went back to my room, undressed, bathed, put on my pajamas, and tried to get some sleep for tomorrow is friday also known as auction day.