Chapter 2

May, 26, 2045

North America Fertility Center

Location Alaska, US

I'm being carried by an officer to a helicopter, hearing to loud pleads of a woman saying "Give me my baby back!" followed by gunshots, then I woke up in a cold sweat realizing it was the same dream of a distant memory. For a brief second I forgot what day of the week it was then realized today is friday, weekly auction day. After dressing in my uniform -AXX1-9 since this is her first time she came up to asking how this was all gonna play down I explained. "The officers are going to escort us along with the other people wearing green to a building just outside the camp. Once there one by one we will see a doctor that will examine the quality our reproductive organs and quantity of our reproduction cells. After you will be put in a small room with a chair, two portions, three bottles of water, and a window. Projected on the window is your identification and price. Luckily since your so young people may not bid on you because your price is so high, but just in case don't draw attention that works for me." I said reassuringly to -AXX1-9 "Thank you +BXX30-10" she said gratefully.

"State your identification" said the doctor "+BXX30-10" I said and just like many times before I have an ultrasound to check my uterus and ovaries along with blood test to check my AMH levels "Everything looks good you may proceed." he said in a upbeat tone. I am escorted by a nurse to my auctioning room and sat down. I looked at my starting price two billion dollars which makes sense since one egg cell in worth ten thousand dollars which meant I have two hundred thousand egg cells. I stared at my price for a while there's nothing better to do kind of why I don't like fridays sitting in a room all day with nothing to do is boring! Then again it could be worrrrsss.........…...son of a biscuit.

My price started going up which can only mean one thing people are bidding on me. Someone wants me plus a male to make babies for them and if I'm being completely I'm not ready for this. I know many women who went out there for a year after being auctioned they often don't come back the same people. They leave the camps dressed in white, blue, and green and come back dressed in orange and green. It's not just appearance its the mind that changes to they go from lively to cold and after each time it gets worse. Once I had a friend her name was +OXX11-2 she was energetic like me loving life, but when she came back after she was chosen a year after not seeing each other I hugged her but she didn't hug back. She was no longer the girl I knew she became cold it got worse each time after the fifth time one day I went to her room and found her body hanging from the ceiling. She was only nineteen

Price goes higher and higher until it stops at three billion dollars. I pray that the people who picked me are nice, that the male I'll be paired with is a good guy, but most of all that -AXX1-9 didn't get picked.