Chapter 3

May, 26, 2045

North America Fertility Center

Location Alaska, US

As I wait for an officer to come collect me questions start rushing through my head. Who are the people who paid three billion dollars for me? Who is the male they are gonna have me make babies with? Is -AXX1-9 gonna be okay without me? Where in the world are they gonna take me? What's gonna happen in the year that in gone? How many babies are they gonna want me to have?!? The door opens and I see the smug face of the officer here the escort me. Oh you have got to me kidding me how that out of all the female officers in the facility did I get stuck with that witch Officer Jezebel.

"Well what are the odds that I get assigned escorting and guarding the trouble maker I busted yesterday?" Officer Jezebel said arrogantly while I am internally freaking out. We walk out of the room and she takes me down the hall out of the auction building to a vehicle with spinning blades on the top the same kind of vehicle from my memory it's called a helicopter if I remember. A bag gets put over my head along with handcuffs on my left wrist, and before I can start throwing punches I feel a needle in the side of my neck before I knew it I fell asleep.

May, 27, 2045

The Plaisaint's Residence

Location Oregon, US

I woke up in a bedroom at least that's what I think it is the decoration looks way too fancy to be a place of slumber. Hearing a knock on the door I panicked but then I hear the calm voice of a woman. "Are you awake?" she asks "Yes" I said as calmly as I can the door then opens and when she comes in a little bit of the tension melts away. "Hello I'm Misses Leta Plaisaint you can call me whatever you like" she said but I remained silent "I understand if you're hesitant and if you time to adjust go ahead. Just know I'm here if you need me." "Thank you" I said as Miss Leta walked out.

After a few minutes I started walking around in what is going to be my home for the year. As I walk I feel a hand tap my shoulder startled I turn around to a man dressed in black and white. "Sorry to have startled you ma'am allow me to introduce myself I'm this estates butler Gideon Abbott, Master and Madam Plaisaint have requested your presence." he said then escorted me to the study. In the study there are shelves of books that I've never seen before along with two desks were Miss Leta and a man sat in each one waiting for me. "Thank you Gideon" said Miss Leta "If there is anything you need just ask Gideon." she said guiding me to a chair in between both of the desks. After I sat down the man spoke "It's great to meet you in person I'm Professor Hawk Plaisant ,but you can call me whatever you like, you've already met my wife Leta and explored the estate you have anything you like to say?"

At first I was hesitant to speak but after awhile the three of us started talking. They explained that the estate is in Oregon in the city of Salem. We also talked about numerous thing and even though they technalicy own me they treat me as an equal. Something tells me that my year over here is not gonna be as terrible as I initially thought.