Chapter 14

December, 1, 2045

Location North Carolina, US

It's been over a month since we left CDC Army base ever since then we been traveling south. Our new plan is to go to Miami, find a boat, then sail our way to Haiti another territory part of the People's Republic. While harbor security is extremely active in the pacific in the atlantic is not as active since so few have tried. So this path should be safe from Fertility Officers as for other dangers not so much. These dangers are not just neropoxers there's also looters, bandits, and CDC soldiers. Not all the people we came across were bad though we came across some nice survivors. Another one of the plus sides is that I no longer have to go out of my way to hide my pregnancy anymore.

Even though this past month has been hard we've had some funny moments too. Like this one time while raiding a grocery store Jezebel ate a small can of beans ten minutes she started puking. Turns out those beans expired before WW3 rather than get upset we started laughing like crazy. Another time was when Oberon found a dead neropoxer, hooked it up like a puppet, then proceeded to make jokes. Not gonna lie I actually peed a little while laughing. Y'know it's good to have a bit of comedy in your life.

Anyway I think my babies are doing good every now and then I feel them kicking, I think they use my uterus like a friggin jungle gym. It's too bad we don't have a doctor in our group then I would know for sure. Oberon and I have been talking baby names unfortunately we can't decide. Another thing Oberon did was proposed to me with a wood ring he carved, of course I said yes. We plan on getting married once we arrived in Haiti, I also asked Jezebel to be my maid of honor and she accepted. Its funny I used to hate this woman now we're just like sisters, makes you think am I right?

December, 2, 2045

Location Unknown

Were in a bit of a snag right now what happened was that we raided a hospital for some medicine. Before we knew it we got trapped in a doctor's office by neropoxers. At first we thought this was game over until out of nowhere some people in bird mask rescued us. When we went to thank our rescuers they shot us with tranq darts and we woke up in a jail cell.

After about a half hour of waiting a man came into our cell "The Matriarch wants to speak with you" he said while gesturing at me. At first I was hesitant but then I realized I needed to find out what the hell was going on. So hugged Jezebel, kissed Oberon, and followed the man out of the cell. While following the man I noticed that this place is underground which made me wonder where are we? "Were in Georgia in case you're wondering Athens to be more specific" the man said breaking the silence. "Don't worry if the Matriarch wanted to harm you she already would've, by the way name is Xerxes what's yours?" he asked "Bethany" I said as we arrived to another door. "Matriarch is inside she'll explain everything" Xerxes said then opened the door.

When I went inside I saw a woman sitting in a chair reading she looked up and smiled. "Thank you Xerxes you are excused" she said to Xerxes then directed her eyes to me "So a lot of questions must be running through your head let me assure you that no harm will come to you, your friends, or your babies." she said reassuringly. A brief moment of silence passed my eyes then landed on hers that's when I noticed that her left one was completely black. She must've saw my panic because she then spoke "Its okay I'm not one of them let me explain" she said while pointing at the chair I then reluctantly sat down in the chair across from hers. "Were known as the Immune" she said "Were immune to neropoxs while we display some of the symptoms the disease doesn't take over completely, but because we can still infect people we've been exiled here." "How many?" I asked "Were rarer than fertiles, only about zero point five percent of the population" she said. After a minute I broke the silence "My name is Bethany Chaney Griffith it used to be +BXX30-10, the male fertile is my fiance Oberon, and the woman with us is Jezebel" "I beg you don't turn us in they will rip my children from my womb, kill one of my sons because he has spina bifida, raise my surviving children into slaves, castrate me and Oberon, then send all three of us to the radiative zone, where we would clean up toxic waste until we finally die of radiation sickness. DO NOT TURN US IN I BEG OF YOU!" I said then went onto the floor crying.

After a full minute of crying the Matriarch started stroking my hair "We are not going turn you in, we are going to help you" she said while continuing to storke. She then helped me back on to the chair and waited for me to calm down "Why?" I said "I never agreed with the Fertility Act yes it's a way to save our species from extinction, but at what cost?" she said "Thank you Matriarch" "You can call me by my real name Rahab, Rahab Phoenix"