Chapter 4.5: Servitude

(Typhon, Jedi temple)

(Anoon'Watni PoV)

My feet moved with trepidation as I followed 'her' towards the temple, the cursed ground. That's what the old documents called the place, the vile living area of the Jedi. Though it made sense in a way, from the weapon clipped to her hip, to the sense of foreboding that swelled over me as I first laid eyes on her.

None were supposed to venture out this far, it had been decided long ago that anyone that did…anyone that visited the temple would be banished from the village, it's foul presence could easily corrupt and twist those that came near, but I had little choice in the matter.

When she had come into the village, led by Glie and Orn, I knew I couldn't say no. They were the best hunters in the village, some of our best warriors after the older warriors had reached and passed their prime. I too used to be one of the best hunters in the village, it was one of the reasons why I had then become Chief when the last had been taken by Flesh Raiders.

It would have soon been time for me to pick one of the two, to decided who would lead the village going forwards, I didn't have much time left. The Flesh Raiders always killed those that got too old, I was already reaching my mid 40's, it wouldn't have been long now.

But now, I guess both of those choices might well have been taken from my hands. I was leaning more towards Glie, to take over the village, though brash at times I saw something in him that could possible lead our village to greatness…or at least make sure it survived another few decades.

But when he had come into the village, on his hands and knees, completely subservient to the Jedi, I knew he could no longer hold such a position. He was no longer the person I had watched grow up.

The Jedi had asked…no demanded that we come to meet her master, surly another Jedi who wanted to take control of us like our ancestors. To use honey words to make us do their bidding before throwing us away.

The Jedi who came, She didn't like us, it wasn't hard to tell that, not after what she did to Glie. When she had walked into the village it was hard not to instantly attack them. But of course every instinct in our bodies stopped us, she radiated it… power, and I was ashamed to admit I could do nothing but nod my head when she demanded we follow her.

When she first spoke to use, waltzing right up to the council, a smug smile on her lips, her boot on Glie's back, I thought she would have humiliated us more, made more demands, insulted our people again and again, for some type of sadistic pleasure, but the other one, the one of our kind, the rare red one, she stopped her. I couldn't tell if they were friends or not, sometimes I could see the small rivalry between them, something I had seen many times in young couples fighting for the affection of the one they love.

My thoughts were proven correct when I overheard them on the way here. After a rather belittling comment towards Glie, the red one turned to the Jedi with a small smirk. "Still mad that Master Favored me first huh?"

Poor Glie, she was extra brutal for the next few minutes in her actions. I had to hold back Alema from leaping forwards in his defense. Seeing the cruelty of the Jedi, which had only been told in stories, was not something I reveled in.

Though, the old stories used to show the Jedi as being craftier, giving false promises of gratitude, offering help and servitude to lower our guards, before finally stabbing us in the back and leaving us behind. I wasn't sure which I would prefer, the direct approach we were receiving or the subtle but more vicious betrayal.

I gripped my fists tightly as I shook the thoughts from my mind. I didn't want to, no, I loathed the idea of serving such cruel people. If it was just myself I would never agree to such a thing, but then I was the leader of the village, I had to think about them first.

But in the end would it be better to serve and live under the Jedi's greedy hands again? Or rebel and be slaughtered? I knew they were too powerful to face. Being the village leader lead me to knowledge that not many of the others had access to.

The old tomes and writing, recounted from generations past, showed just how powerful the Jedi once were, how even one of them would be able to slaughter our whole village. I felt the years begin to take a toll on my mind as the temple finally came into view.

My worst thoughts were confirmed as we got closer and closer. Bodies of Flesh Raiders; ripped to pieces, burned, cut in half, wounds I had never seen taken by the beasts before, laid scattered about the ground.

Those that had come with me, my closest council and leaders of the village showed different reactions as we finally climbed the steps of the temple. Oodam'Darap, one of my closest friends and steadfast allies, had a small smile as he walked into the temple.

Though the brashest of us all, he was the leader of our warriors, with his powerfully built body and green skin, many of the women in the village hoped to gain his attention when he was younger. Though I wasn't there at the time it was said he faced a Flesh Raider in unarmed combat and won, earning him the attention of the previous warrior leader who passed on his position to the young warrior.

He had been on the council for the longest and was the oldest of the group. Having fought the Flesh Raiders more than anyone else, I could understand why he was smiling at the scene before him. The bodies of the Flesh Raiders piled high in some areas as we were led up the winding stair case.

His wife, the woman that finally stole his heart though wore a different expression. Alim'Aola, the beauty of the village, though some of the younger girls were starting to catch up with her as she grew older, had a concerned expression.

With Blue skin that put the sky to shame and limpid eyes that screamed compassion she was practically the exact opposite of her husband. Being one of the gentlest people I had ever known, the village loved her like a mother. Usually helping the younger generation as a teacher, her popularity with everyone in the village earned her the spot on the council. Sometimes called the voice of the people, she was almost a rare breed in the village, one not touched by the vicissitudes of the Flesh Raiders brutality.

No while she was the innocence, Koyi'Rartu, was the female on the council who showed practicality and hard cold calculative truth. Sometimes shunned in the village for her harsh views, I had listened to her council more than I would like to admit when tough decisions had befallen the village.

She was the only one on the council that would willingly sacrifice our warriors if it would provide us an advantage. I looked over at her for a second as we stood in front of two wrecked doors in front of us. There was a pressure that seemed to radiate out the doors, I felt my body tremble from just standing close to it, but could do nothing but follow the Jedi as she walked in.

Koyi's eyes were sharp as she starred into the room, I could tell her mind was working a mile a minute to find a solution to our predicament, though it didn't show I could also see the nervousness she projected, the small twitch of a finger as she followed behind.

While beautiful like Alim, with her pale skin and big eyes, she had not yet found a husband to continue her line, I knew that got to her more than she would like to admit. I stopped for a second, probably the only second I would get, to have one last look at my fellow tribesmen, before having to face the Jedi.

Standing next to Alim was Jido'Tar the best scout in the village, with blue skin and powerful legs, no one could catch him even if they tried, to his right was Gegfek'Chom, I hadn't liked him much in my younger years and I still didn't like him now.

Like Alim, he was smart, too smart some times. He used to be a competitor for me, for position of village chief, but after losing he had truly let himself go, once a great warrior, his body had fattened up in his old age. With pale skin and beady eyes he was breathing a bit heavily after the walk from the village.

I wanted to call him out on it sometimes, but he only truly got bad when his wife was killed in a Flesh Raider attack, I left him alone as he slowly started to lose himself in depression.

I looked away from my old rival to look at the last 2 people on the council, two people vying to gain my heart and progeny. Hraba'Poy and Vilo'Palakwi, they had both been vying for my affection for many years now, even finding positions on the council to gain my attention after I became chief.

I felt a sigh coming to my lips as I thought about the predicament. Though it wasn't generally frowned upon to have more than one mate in the village if you were a male, I had never truly given them the answer they wanted and could not see myself with both of them. Maybe one, but not both.

Growing up together, it was now in my late years that I know I should have chosen one of them earlier, with the Flesh raiders and now the Jedi, I don't know if I will have the time to create the family I always wanted.

Both starred at me as I turned to them, I could only just muster up a small smile to abate their worries before walking into the room. I steadied my nerves as I went, I was the leader of the Village, I would do what was best for my people!


(3 Person PoV)

(Typhon, Jedi Temple, Jedi Council Chamber)

Mace slowly opened his eyes as Vette and Jaesa walked into the room. Reaching out slightly in the force he easily felt the small group of presences standing at the entrance to the council chamber. His eyes flickered to the 11 people outside for a second before returning to his long time companions.

Though, his eyebrows did rise, when he noticed one of them prostrated on all for and shuffling forwards on his knees. Mace could do nothing but roll his eyes as he looked at Jaesa for a second. Jaesa for her part just sported a smile his way as she came to stop before him.

"I thought I ordered you to just 'ask' them to meet me?" Jaesa frowned for a second before giving a respectful bow. "Sorry master if I have displeased you…that one called me a Jedi and insulted me…I couldn't help but show him his rightful place." Vette gave a small snort from behind her but said nothing.

Mace starred down at Jaesa for a few seconds before pushing the matter to the side, it changed nothing and he knew his apprentice could get emotional, being called a Jedi. "Never mind, you have brought them before me, it is now up to them to accept our offer."

Jaesa bowed once more before standing back up. "There was one other thing Master, I found a number of force sensitives residing in their village, while not overwhelmingly powerful, they do have a strong connection to the force. The number was quite…surprising for such a little village."

The words brought a small smile to Mace's lips as he turned and looked in the direction of the Twi'lek Village, pushing out his senses, he could see the small fireflies lighting up in the force that denoted quite a number of force sensitives in the distance.

Turning back to Jaesa he gave a wider smile. "All the better, it is no wonder considering how long they have lived on such a force nexus. Should they accept our offer we will have ample new students to create a new order." Jaesa's eyes brightened at the words, zeal radiating from her body. "As you say, master."

They had both just finished their conversation as the Twi'lek council walked in. Standing at the lead, Anoon'Watni, kept a powerful bearing, even though it faltered a little seeing the armour figure sitting before him.

He had to stop his body from trembling as Mace let a sliver of his power bare forth towards the assembled group. Silence seemed to settle over the room as no one dared to speak. Finally it was Mace who spoke up first.

"I am glad you have come to meet me, Leader of the Twi'lek Village, what might be your name, I am known as Darth Revenant." The force thrummed at the utterance of his name, giving weight to the words that compelled him to speak his head slightly bowed.

"My name is Anoon'Watni, current leader of Kalikori Village. Why have you called us here Jedi?" Mace stopped for a second as he took the words in. A pregnant pause took over the room for a few seconds before a rumbling laugh came from the sitting sith.

Jaesa bristled in anger from the side as she starred at the village leader. "We Are Not Jedi, Schutta! You would do well to remember that before I kill you!" Her eyes promised death as she reached for her lightsaber. Mace held up his hand to stop her from doing anything. "Jaesa enough" Though her eye still blazed red as she looked at the now on guard Twi'lek group, she stayed her hand and stepped back to the side. Looking at her for a second Mace turned back to Anoon. "What makes you think we are Jedi, Twi'lek?"


(Anoon'Watni PoV)

I couldn't help the frown that appeared as I starred up at the Jedi before me. "You carry the weapons of a Jedi, force us to have a meeting where you no doubt want us to serve you like our ancestors did and reside in this accursed place of their power. Though you do not exactly resemble the stories I have been told, know that Kalikori Village has a long memory and we did not forget what your ancestors did to our village."

I don't know what came over me in that second, but once the words started flowing I couldn't keep my mouth shut, my anger building.

"You betrayed us! Gave us false promises of support and help and then abandoned us here! Abandoned us to the Flesh raiders! We hate you Jedi!..." I spat the words in contempt of all that he was. "…And we will not once again fall for your lies or trickery!"

Silence again reigned in the area as I stopped shouting; it was only at that moment that clarity seemed to return to my mind. My body stiffened as I realized what I had just said, The Jedi before me didn't say a word and just continued to stare at me.

I peeled my eyes off him for a second as I looked to the other Jedi, her eyes blazed a red I hadn't seen before and a power radiated from her body that sent a shiver down my spine. If she wasn't holding herself back I knew I would be dead right now. I don't know what had come over me, it was as if all the emotions that I had been bottling up since the Jedi had waltzed into the village had just sprung forth…and now I would have to deal with what I had caused.

I tried to back track as fast as I could, opening my mouth to speak. But as I did I felt a contraction on my throat, I couldn't even utter a word as I was lifted from the ground. Pain invaded my body as my lung gasped for air and my eyes went wide as I looked at the Jedi raising his hand before me.

My council behind didn't make a sound at what was happening and I felt terror grip my heart, they too were trapped like I was…at his mercy. As the pain started to build he finally spoke up, my brain grasping at his words.

"I am Mace Rook, Dark lord of the Sith, The Emperor's Wrath, The Outlander, The Alliance Commander, Darth Revenant, Slayer of Valkorion and Husband of Darth Nox. I have never and will never be a Jedi!"

I reached up with shaky hands as my vision started to dim, hand clawing at my throat even as the words registered. He wasn't a Jedi? But then what…? "I have slayed more Jedi that you could possible imagine and am their personal Nightmare! I am Sith, their one and only true enemy! Do not confuse the two!"

Just as I felt I was going to black out, the pressure around my neck disappeared and my body slumped to the ground. The small noise of dropping bodies behind me and small groans brought a slight relief to my troubled mind as I slowly got into a kneeling position.

Starring up at the Jedi…no the Sith, Darth Revenant, who now stood before me, I felt my heart tremble. I was too out of breath as he stepped closer and looked down at me. "I will not mince words Twi'lek, I am not like the Jedi, I will only say this once."

He paused for a few seconds and I looked up into his mask. "I will kill the Flesh Raiders that littered the Valley, making sure that they no longer bother your village and make it that your people become more powerful than you can possible imagine..."

Even though I couldn't see through his mask I knew he was starring me right in the eye as he finished. "…All I ask…all I want from you is your loyalty and service. If you move those from your village here, take over this Temple and maintain it… follow my orders, I will make you a force to be reckoned with, I shall let you travel the stars like your ancestors and let you create a city… no a country that would make them proud and forever last in my empire!"

My eyes widened at the declaration, my blood pumped faster through my veins and a sense of greed… want, appeared in my mind. I heard his words, let them soak into my mind, looked for where he might have laid a deception or trick that would condemn my population.

But I saw none of that, all I could see, all I could hear was that powerful declaration, backed by the power of confidence, self-assurance. Something in the back of my mind told me, if we were to follow him we would finally become something more than a broken Village, something that my ancestors would have wanted.

He turned his back on me as he slowly made his way back to his chair…no it was more of a throne. As he sat back down and looked at us once more I slowly got to my feet, my breathing finally back to normal. I turned looking at those behind me as they also struggled to their feet.

"What is your decision?"

The words hung in the room, hung in the air, hung over my head, my very being.

I looked at the other around me my mind a mess of thoughts. My eyes passed over them, people I had known for most of my life, their expressions changed as they looked at one another and myself, their emotions changing as small messages were sent to one another.

Some looked terrified, but hopeful, other greedy; some were just cold and calculating, but in the end they all starred at me. In the end it would be my decision that would damn or save our village, I was its chief, their leader.

Was it better to survive as live stock for the flesh raiders and continue the cycle that was slowly killing my people or was it better to take this chance, though we would become servants of this...Sith?

I finally looked up the area falling dead quiet as turned back to look at the man before me, trying to stare into his eyes. My eyes hardened as I made my decision. "We will serve you my lord." Kneeling to show my determination it was seconds later that the others followed suit.

"You have made the right choice." He said it with such confidence that I knew right then and there I had done the right thing. Slowly looking up from my bowed position I saw him once again standing before us. "I will make you village, your people, more powerful than you could ever imagine. This I promise." I felt a sense of relaxation come over my mind as I felt a weight of responsibility lift from my shoulders, I had done the right thing, my people were saved.

A small smile came to my lips as I thought back to the ancestors, those betrayed by the Jedi. Would we finally get our revenge, would they finally regret their past actions? I hoped so. I couldn't wait for that time to come.

After all, if the Jedi were unforgivable monsters of deceit and power, what do you consider those that even they were afraid of? What could they do?