Chapter 4.6: To Start An Empire

(2 Weeks later)

(Typhon, Jedi temple, Council Chamber)

(3rd Person PoV)

The doors to the council chamber slowly closed behind the small group that stepped into the premises. Looking down the small corridor, all of them walked at a measured pace towards the only person already in the room.

Mace sat facing all his companions, all those that had been dragged along with him, as they walked into the council room. Cleared of the rubble and dirt that once littered the room, thanks to their new man power, and fixed up before the rest of the temple, the decorum was relatively repaired and almost seemed sacred as the others moved in.

Sitting on the Grand masters chair Mace said nothing as the other slowly lined up before him. He had called them all here, specifically at this time to finally make it official. Though they might have guessed what was about to happen they weren't completely sure yet. It had been two whole weeks since they had gotten the twi'lek village to succumb and join them. They were the first and they wouldn't be the last.

Vaylin was at the head of the group, because even though not all of them liked her, her power spoke volumes. Slightly ahead of the rest, the others were lined up on either side of her, showing the small power play that was involved within the group.

As the finally reached him Mace spoke up, every word thrumming with power in the force.

"The time has finally come, stuck in an unfamiliar period, ripped from our own by force. We have no way to get back and that leaves us with only one true option…" His eyes turned from the group for a second as they stared into the void, looking through the force of the galaxy.

"I have seen the future, the force whispers its cries for help and has brought us here for such a reason…" A small chuckle escaped his lips for a second as his eyes refocused on the group. "It would have us do whatever it wants… to bend to its will and… though we have come to an agreement, it is time for us to make a true statement… to truly commit to changing this fractured and ruined galaxy."

The force stirred within the room, focusing in on the words uttered. "The Jedi have squandered their chance to truly make a difference. They have had a millennia of peace, with those fake sith running and hiding from the galaxy, like scared Knytix, something that I won't let happen again!"

Standing before them his words doubled in intensity. "It is time to remind them why they feared the Sith so much! Why we are truly what this galaxy needs to flourish! It is with this conviction that I hereby official announce the establishment of a new Empire!..." The force swirled around the room slowly getting stronger. "An Empire that will become the strongest in the long line of Empires that have come before us, one that shall rule the galaxy and be everlasting!"

The force picked up and thrummed in the room, fighting the power behind Mace's words, as if to rebuke such a declaration! It surged in the room focusing of Mace, surging towards him to abate such a thought…to put him back in his place. But in the instance it tried to flood the room, Mace's emotions let loose, power flooded out from him, daring the force to fight back, to call his words false.

A suffocating feeling came over those present in the room as the small battle raged, if it was not for their own power and presence in the force they might have fainted as the two power clashed with one another in the air.

Even though they were strong in the force and had seen many things, those present were still surprised and slightly awed as they watched Mace's power let loose. It wasn't just fighting another being in the force; his will was clashing with that of the Force…of the galaxy itself! A war seemed to rage in the room as the two opposing forces clashed with each other, fighting to gain dominance.

Slowly cracks began to spread on the floor as Mace imposed his will onto the force, commanding it to follow his orders...his whim. No one said a word as slowly... painfully...finally, the pressure in the room faded away and the will of the force backed off.

Mace said nothing standing still, challenging it to come once more, but nothing happened. The others in the room, his companion's...his council, slowly bowed their heads in acknowledgement, of what he had just done…of the power he wielded…of the respect he commanded, words flowing to their lips unbidden.

"Long live the Emperor!"

Mace stood for a moment, starring out at the will of the force as it slowly moved away, always present but no longer trying to impose its will on him. The suffocating pressure in the room lightened up as he slowly bottled his emotions, bottling the will that had grappled with the galaxy for but a moment.

A small breath of air came out as he looked at those kneeling before him. With his eyes upon them Jaesa was the first to speak in the now dead quiet room, her elation clear to all. "What shall the new Empire be called, Master?"

Mace turned his eyes towards his first apprentice and let loose a small smile as he clasped his hand behind his back. "The empire shall stand the test of time; one that once made shall forever stand in the galaxy. It shall be an Immortal Empire." The will of the Force came back at the words spoken and thrummed lowly in a final acceptance before slowly fading once more.

Turning his attention away from it Mace instantly felt the raging excitement in his apprentice before him, her eyes starring right at him, gleaming in slight madness and adoration, glowing a tinge of red, showing her emotions in the force. "Long Live the Immortal Emperor!" "Long live the Immortal Empire!"

The words hung in the air as Mace once more sat in his chair, slowly taking in those before him. The quite lasted for a few minutes before he finally spoke. "With the rise of a new Empire and me becoming a new Emperor, it is time for you all to receive your new titles, Receive them with pride."

He first turned to Ashara, who waited patiently, eyes locked on his. "Darth Zavros, Lady of the Sith, you are now appointed as my Voice! Let me exact my plans, my thoughts, my being through your actions and words."

A small look of surprise came over Ashara's face for a second at the words, before she bowed her head low. "As you command Emperor!" Giving an approving nod at her determination Mace motioned to the council seat to his left. "Take your place beside me, Ashara."

Rising to her feet, Ashara bowed once more as she stood closer to Mace before sitting next to him. Turning his attention back to the others, his eyes locked onto Vette, a small playful smile on his lips. "Along with the Voice there must also be a Wrath. The one who shall enact my rage and vengeance on all those who oppose me."

Seeing Mace look right at her Vette, visible paled. 'Ohh he wouldn't…I only teased him about it a few times…oh crap.' "Vette, Ce'na, though you have not fully grasped your new powers, you shall be my Wrath." Vette's shoulders slumped in resignation as she knew he was doing this just to get back at her. 'I'll get him back for this one.'

Before she could say anything he continued. "Jaesa, Darth Luminous, Lady of the Sith, you as well shall be my Wrath. You were my first apprentice and have served me dutifully for years." "Yes, Master!" As soon as the words left his mouth Jaesa had already replied, her connection to the force swelled as she gained her new position.

"Yes my Lord." While slightly subdued compared to her, Vette also accepted her position before they both stood up. "Let all those who oppose me, feel your power and Wrath." Motioning to his right they took their new seats besides him, the smile never leaving Jaesa's face.

Mace once again looked over those that were left before turning to Ayillh. "Cipher Nine, the Empire is in need of your service once more. I will need a spy network, the best the galaxy has ever seen, to monitor threats from within the Empire and abroad. You will not just receive the title of new Head of imperial Intelligence, with free reign to create the organization and train operatives as you see fit, you also gain the title of Keeper!"

Ayillh remained still for a moment before her head dipped her voice solemn. "As you will, Emperor." Motioning to the left, Ayillh took her place next to Ashara to stare at the rest. The next to be called was Xalek.

"Xivhkalrainik, Dark lord of the Sith, my friend. It is my hope that you will join me going forwards as the Empire expands and become the standing high admiral and commander of the imperial fleets…" A look of indecision passed through Xalek's face as he heard the words.

Though he kept it well hidden, a soft look came to Mace for a second as he looked at his long time friend. "This will not interfere with your own goals, I know well what you want to accomplish and where your goals head."

Xalek looked up from his position to look Mace in the eye, a small message passed between the two as they looked at each other before a glint of determination and loyalty flashed through his eyes. "Yes my Lord. I gratefully accept my new position and shall support you in this endeavor. Let the galaxy remember the might of us living Gods!"

Bowing before Mace, he took up his new position next to Jaesa off to the side. He turned to Nadia next. "Nadia Grell. Lady of the Sith, I give you the title of Imperial Ambassador and chief of foreign affairs. Though our Empire shall eventually rule all, a subtler touch will be needed in instances. With your past Experience with the Rift Alliance I can find no one better for such a position. Though you would do well to remember you still require a lot of training my young apprentice, before you join the ranks of Darth."

Nadia nodded gravely at his words as she slowly stood up. "As you command master. The empire will rise." Tasking her seat next to Ayillh, Mace gave her one more look as he felt a small tugging in the force before turning to Blizz.

"Blizz, I know you did not ask for any of this and I know that I am not your 'Boss'. Should you accept the title of Imperial Engineer or Researcher, it is yours. I will promise you whatever technology you want so that you can make all the inventions imaginable. All I ask is for your Loyalty to the Empire."

Blizz looked up from the ground and thought for a moment, there was a little bit of sadness in his eyes that could just be heard when he spoke up. "Blizz think that even though big sith is not 'boss', 'boss' would not want Blizz wallowing in the past. 'Boss' would want Blizz go Boom Boom to vent feelings and then move onto more Boom Boom with big sith. Blizz accept Big Sith title, Blizz Big Sith engineer now!" Mace gave out a small smile as Blizz gave a bow and walked over to Xalek, sitting next to him.

Finally everyone looked at the last person before them.


(Vaylin PoV)

I starred up at those before me, though I could see some apprehension in their eyes… even hate, when I looked at the man right in front of me…I saw none of that.

No as I starred up into his red eyes, I could only see one true emotion that shone through…appreciation. There was no hate, no fear, just… appreciation for who I was…what I was. I felt my finger twitch as a new emotion rose within me, I tried to understand the feeling that surged through my blood, that set my heart racing just slightly, but I couldn't figure it out, the emotion was…new.

Pushing the new emotion to the back of my mind he finally spoke up. "Vaylin, The Eternal Daughter, Empress of the Eternal throne…" I closed my eyes for a second as those titles washed over me, ones I had come to loath, my emotions moved at just the mention of them. I took a calming breath for a second before slowly opening my eyes.

He said nothing at my small lapse and continued speaking, starring into my eyes. "I will not offer you titles like that, ones empty with power, restrictive in nature… Know that even without the title you would still be welcome here…"

A short but meaningful look passed between us before he finished. "I grant you the title, Hand of the Emperor, beholden to none but myself, able to do anything you wish should it better the empire."

I though I would hate the title more than I did, I had given titles away when I had followed him and now…he was giving me such a title? One that like all the others…empty in power? But he had admitted that himself with the other titles, what made this one different?

Sure I wasn't restricted, not to anyone but himself, but it was the same wasn't it? Even though those thoughts ran through my mind, I couldn't help but smile up at him. A single thought clicked in my mind at that second. He smiled back and I knew I was right. I was looking at it the wrong way.

"I give this title because I trust you, I trust what you will do should the Empire be threatened and know of the power you wield to make sure you always succeed." I bowed my head low at the trust, something I hadn't had…felt in a long time.

My Father wanted to control me, My brother and Mother were the same…they feared me. They didn't trust me to help them, to be strong enough to lead, to support, to rule.

I was different now…he knew that…he was willing to take that chance because he did not fear, he did not want to use me….he wanted me to flourish. I bowed my head low, just hiding the smile that came to my lips.

I hadn't thought I would say the words ever again, but as I had been wrong before, the words slipped out much easier than anticipated. "As you command, Emperor."


(3rd Person PoV)

Vaylin rose to her feet and accepted the last char in the room, officially becoming part of the new Dark council of the Empire. Mace once more looked at those in the room before speaking in a commanding tone.

"None of you shall answer to anyone else in the Empire but me, you are above all, below only one. Let the immortal Empire stand for all eternity! For the Immortal Empire!"

"For the Immortal Empire!"