Filing for Divorce

By the time they came in, April was still yelling but she didn't have enough strength anymore. The injection was perfectly working on calming her down.

"Noo.. pleasee.. let me go. Pleasee.. stop it. don't touch me.." She sobbed as the medicine slowly took her to sleep.

When the staff sees that she stopped fighting, they finally let her go. They all sighed. April had a small body but she trashed out pretty strongly.

"What happened?" Phoebe instantly asked the doctor. She could see that her son was frozen next to the bed. His and April's eyes looked at each other for a brief moment earlier. She didn't recognized him and this made him stunned.

"She woke up with nightmares. We will have to do further tests, but I can say that it triggered her trauma. I already given her something to calm her down. When she wakes up again, we can only hope for her medicine to work. We have checked her files and the last time she had lost control of herself was before she had given birth.

From the look of things, she wasn't able to realized that she was in the hospital. No matter what I tell her, she wouldn't respond to me and she only kept begging for us to let her go." The doctor sighed.

Phoebe pursed her lips, she could see that April had cried while she was out of herself. She walked to her side and wiped her tears away. Theo only stood behind his wife, feeling down like her. He looked at his frozen son, he was still dazed while looking at April.

"I advised that you inform her family. Worst case scenario, her episodes might get worst. She needed people who she is familiar with or we may never get to pull her out to reality. And try to avoid making her anxious when she wakes up.

She must've suffered really bad back then. I've been informed that she had never opened up to anybody about what happened to her. Not even to her doctors." The doctor rubbed his temples. A case like this, is hard to solve.

"Thanks doctor, please let us know if there is anything else." Phoebe replied. There was nothing else to do since April had fallen back to sleep.

The doctor nodded and signed to the staff to give them some privacy. After making sure that April was stable now, they left the room.

Looking at her son, she felt bad for him. She had seen that April didn't recognize Alex earlier. She didn't know how to comfort his son. She knew that it was a first to him. He wasn't the type of person who deals with emotions pretty well.

"Son, We will have to call her parents. Stay by her side. Okay?" Phoebe squeeze Alex's arm. Letting him know that they were there to support him.

Waking up to his stupor, he only nodded and sat beside April. He took a deep breath and grabbed her hand. He held her hand to his cheeks, silently praying for her wellness. He didn't look at his parents and only stared at April. He silently cursed himself for not being able to be next to her when she woke up nor was he next to her when Francesca confronted her. This was all his fault. He thought.

Theo and Phoebe sighed and left the room. They had to figure out how to say informed April's parents about this situation.


Later that afternoon, around 3 pm. April woke up from the feeling for someone was caressing her hair. The hand was soft and gentle. The smell and warmth was familiar to her, her heart pounded at the thought of who the person was.

"April? are you awake?" Alex whispered softly. Afraid that she wouldn't be able to recognize him again.

April slowly opened her eyes. Her body felt weak and her head was aching.

"April?" Alex's heart was beating fast. When her eyes opened, he felt relief that she wasn't screaming and pulling her hand away from him.

April turned her head slowly, looking at the man beside the bed. The sun was slightly behind him, making her unable to fully see him. Yet she knew in her heart, that it was the man who she loves dearly.

"Alex?". Her voice was too soft, it was almost a whisper.

Alex sighed. She finally recognized him. It untangled the knot inside his heart.

"Yes baby, it's me. Are you alright? Does any part of you hurts? Do you want me to call the doctor?"

"..Doctor?..." April closed her eyes and then opened. She turned her head around, finally recognizing where she was. The hospital, the smell of a sterilize room.

"I'm... okay.. ...water?.." she was thirsty, her throat felt extremely dry.

"Hold a second baby, I'll get someone to get it." Alex pressed the button for a nurse to come.

The nurse came in within 10 seconds. Seeing that the patient woke up normally, she instantly done her routines.

After she was done, Alex told her to get some water for April. The nurse nodded and left. Not long after, she brought a cup of water with a straw and gave it to Alex. Alex took it and thanked the nurse.

The nurse reclined the bed up, for April to be able to drink the water much better. She left instantly, so she could informed her doctor.

Alex then helped April take a sip of the water. It felt good in her throat, as she slowly sipped some water.