Filing for Divorce (2)

"How are you feeling now baby?" Alex rubbed April's hand.

"Much better, Thanks. By the way, what happened to me?". April furrowed her brows.

"You don't remember? You fainted in front of the mansion. After.. After you talked to Francesca at the gates." Alex pursed his lips, one could see worry on his eyes.

"Hmm.." Images flashed inside her head.

"I remember now."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there that time. I tried my best to get here as fast as I could. But, it's still wasn't enough." Alex sighed. No matter what, he really regretted it.

"No, I'm sorry. I told her that you and I. ...." April gulped and looked down.

"No baby.. You don't have to be sorry. Sooner or later, she would know anyways." Alex cupped and caress her face.

"Just get well for me and sky, okay? I will handle everything. If you need something, Josie will be here. I have left the office for 2 days already, so tomorrow I'll have to go. Don't worry, I'll eat dinner with you tomorrow night. I'll bring our son, he'd been missing you so much." Alex raised her head up, so he could look at her in the eyes. "As do I. I miss you."

April blushed. "I'm sorry for making you guys worry."

Alex shake his head. "Never say sorry. It's not your fault. I promise everyone and you, that I'd take care of you and our son. If anything happens, it should be saying sorry. So don't okay? Im here for you, Always."

"Okay." April smiled slightly.

Seeing that she was back to smiling, he smiled too. It has been hard for everyone lately. He then got up and kissed her forehead.

"I'll get my parents okay? they are downstairs, waiting for you to wake up." Alex rubbed her cheeks with his thumb.

"They are here?" Her eyes went wide.

"Yes, you were worried too. I'll be back." This time, he kissed her on the lips.

Seeing her turn red, Alex smirked devilishly.

"You beast!" She wasn't prepared. Her heart certainly wasn't.

Alex chuckled and left.


After making sure the April was indeed alright, Alex's parents didn't stay long either. To give her time to rest.

April was able to convinced his parents about not calling her parents. Saying that she will inform them herself. Since they didn't know yet that her and Alex was together now.

Theo and Phoebe could only sighed and let her do it her own. They too, didn't know how to say it to her parents. Since they don't know each other, plus the fact that April became their son's mistress. Their son's affairs was so troublesome, they thought.

Not long after having dinner with April, Alex left as well when he saw that April was getting sleepy.


As soon as Alex got to his car, he received a call from James. It was already past 8 pm.

"Sir, the Lawyer already got everything prepared. I have it all printed and left it at your compartment."

"Thanks James, that will do for tonight. I'll see you at the office tomorrow."

"Thanks sir."

Alex then hanged up and opened his car compartment. Inside was a big yellow envelope. He grabbed it and sighed.

"After more than 10 years of chasing you. I'm done. I gave up." He then pulled out the papers out from the envelope.

Inside the envelope, it contained all the papers required for Filing for Divorce. Luckily, they had a pre-nuptial agreement. It was a condition from his parents, so he could marry Francesca.

He only need to give Francesca a little bit Alimony, which was no problem at all. He also intended to give some of his own properties that they shared together. If she won't accept it, he plans to sell it. She is too independent anyways. He actually believes that she will reject anything that comes out from his pocket.

He sighed again. He took a deep breath and started the car. He drove towards his main mansion, where his wife currently resides. They had to talk and make her signed it.