Filing for Divorce (3)

"Darling, your home!"

Francesca greeted Alex with a bright smile and her dimples were out. She was wearing her favorite tubeless black dress, she done a seductive make-up and her long brown hair was perfectly curled by a professional hairstylist. She was wearing some black pumps to go with her dress and cute gold bangle earrings. To top it off, she was also wearing one of his birthday gifts to her. It was a heart shaped diamond necklace. Along with her diamond engagement ring and marriage ring.

She nervous all day and had prepared this night very well. After a long time of thinking, she blamed herself for being too selfish. Maybe this was a wake up call for her, she had been too busy with her business that she neglected her husband. Making him look for someone else to warm his bed.

This was her conclusion, It all lead down to her. So to make up for her absence, she wanted to renew their love for each other. This time, she wanted to serve her husband better. Francesca had never love anyone else, Alex was the only one inside her heart. She had never let anyone else in, Just him and him alone.

Francesca just got too sidetrack, she thought. Work was too hectic, especially since she had to prove herself that she could manage their family business. Despite being a woman. She only wished that it wasn't too late yet. Even if her husband decides to have a mistress, she'll accept it. It was her fault anyways. Since she didn't gave him a child. Francesca knew that Alex had been wanting to build a family on their own. Again, she was just too busy. She reasoned out.

Tonight was the night. She wanted to start all over again with her husband. Francesca will never let her husband go. He too was her first love and will be her last.

"Darling, I got us dinner prepared. I heard you were coming, so I prepared it." She smiled so heavenly, like how she used to before.

Alex was stunned. As soon as he got in the house, Francesca was smiling bright. Like nothing had ever happened. She isn't mad at me for cheating on her? He thought.

He loosened his tie and walked pass her. "I already ate. Go ahead."

Francesca bit her lower lips, swallowing the anger back down. "I see. That's alright. We can always eat together tomorrow." she said as she followed behind him.

Alex stopped walking and turned to face his wife. I am dreaming right now? She damn well know that I was at the hospital with April. "I need to talk to you."

Francesca walked closer to him and pressed her chest against his. She then wrapped her arms around his neck. "Sure. What is it honey?" She said as she smiled so lovely towards her husband.

Alex went rigid. He lifted his hand against her forehead, checking if she was having a fever.

Francesca giggled. "Silly you. I'm fine. I'm not having a fever."

"Then why are you acting like this? Aren't mad at me? You're not gonna yell at me? Or at least bombarded me with questions?" Alex brows furrowed.

"No. I had been thinking since we last seen each other. How unfair it is for you. I had been neglecting you as your wife and I am very very sorry about it. Can you give me another chance to make it right? I want us to start all over again." She gave Alex her cutesy look. Flaunting her long and curly eyelashes, as well as pouting seductively. She always tends to act like this, if she wanted something from Alex.

Alex froze and gulped. What happened to his wife? Where was the feisty and cold woman he knew all this years? It feels like they were back into their highschool years again.