Opening One's Eyes

"What did you say?!"

One problem to another. Alex had never felt so betrayed until this moment. His father had just dropped a bomb of information into his head. Looking at the big box in front of him, he felt uneasy.

Theo sighed and shook his head. The Black Dragon Club's claws had dug so much information against his son's wife Francesca. He had already read everything and did cross-examinations when he had received the information about 2 weeks ago. He was still digging more information about them but most of the evidences inside the box was true. Only then did he showed this to his son. Not that he doesn't trust his son's capabilities, but when it comes to love; his son becomes dumb as fuck. He and his wife had bad vibes towards her on that very first day. Though Francesca looks weak, she had a glint of hidden evil on her eyes. Something that only happens when one isn't raised right or has too many negative feelings inside one's heart.