Opening One's Eyes (2)

Alex cleared his head and sighed a few more times. He organized and read most of the files in front of his desk when James came barging into his office.

"Sir! April is missing!"

Alex instantly stood up. His face became pale and his body's temperature dropped. "What happened? I thought that the villa was perfectly safe?!"

"Sir, Sir Theo had called and informed me. He told me to inform you and that you should head to his office." James was in the dark of what happened as well. All he knew is that this wasn't good at all. April was vulnerable and wouldn't be able to protect herself at any cost! Of course, he too was worried about his boss. Alex had barely had the appetite to eat ever since April's last disappearance. Although April came back after that, she wasn't that in a good condition either. It only brought more stress to his boss.